In Turkey, Domestic Producer Price Index (D-PPI) increased by 25.21% year-on-year, increased by 2.12% month-on-month D-PPI (2003=100) increased by 2.12% in February 2025 compared to the previous month, increased by 5.24% compared to December of the previous year, increased by 25.21% compared to the same month of the previous year and increased by 37.55% compared to the twelve-month averages Annual changes in four sectors of industry; mining and quarrying by 33.24%, manufacturing by 24.76%, electricity, gas production and distribution by 23.95% and water supply by 57.58%. Annual changes in main industrial groupings were as follows; 21.16% increase in intermediate goods, 34.52% increase in durable consumer goods, 33.52% increase in non-durable consumer goods, 19.18% increase in energy and 24.16% increase in capital goods