Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Economics And Finance (English)

 "Best Paper" Award for Asist. Prof. Dr. Deniz ŞİŞMAN Who is Our Lecturer

Asist. Prof. Dr. Deniz ŞİŞMAN Who is Our Lecturer was Awarded "Best Paper"

Asist. Prof. Dr. Deniz ŞİŞMAN from Economics and Finance Department presented Financial Leasing and the Importance for Economy: Risks and Advantages on 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance. Our lecturer explained participants there financial leasing and its attitudes towards interest, foreign exchange and inflation, the tax advantages and risks of financial leasing, and what measures should be taken against these risks. This article was awarded the "Best Paper" by the Scientific Committee in the field of International Economics.