Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Economics And Finance (English)

 Economics and Finance Department students visited Turkey Banks Union

The students organized the trip to the Banks Association of Turkey 's studies, economics, Turkey's economy and banking sector were briefed by making presentations on the subject.

On December 28, 2018, students of the Department of Economics and Finance from 3rd and 4th grade students from the Department of Economics and Finance, Res. Asist. Guler Gelgec Turkey Banks Union was the show. Corporate Communications Specialist Cemil Guler Economics and Finance students in Turkey Banks gave information about the overall presentation of the Union. Research Statistics Director Emre Alper Inan and Umit Unsal from Research and Statistics Department gave information about economic developments and banking sector. The presentations in the global economic outlook, Turkey's economy, the banking sector, and international comparisons have explained the importance of the banking sector in Turkey and international area.

Organization and Purpose of the Banks Association of Turkey
Since its establishment in 1958, with legal personality, public institutions and, through a professional organization as Turkey continues its activities Banks Association, the financial sector efficiency and yield increase of, in the framework of a free market economy and full competition principles in order to reach and power of international magnitude, banking regulation principles and rules in line It works to defend the rights and interests of the banks, to work in order to grow the banking system, to work in a healthy manner and to improve the banking profession, to increase the competitiveness, to create a competitive environment and to ensure that the decisions are taken, applied and applied for the prevention of unfair competition. Its legal basis and legal status have been established in accordance with the provisions of Article 79 of the Banking Law. It is a professional institution with a legal personality. The headquarters of the Association is located in Istanbul.