Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Economics And Finance (English)

 Two Women's Signatures in the History of the Dollar

"The US Mint has begun printing the first dollars signed by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Chief Financial Officer Lynn Malerba," the US Treasury Department tweeted.
In Janet Yellen's interview with Alicia Wallace,
“The currency that you produce here touches just about everyone in the United States and millions more across the world. Our currency is essential to the functioning of the financial system. And its integrity is core to our national security,” she said.
Currency, Yellen said, “plays a critical role in our economy” but also “has a deeper social purpose.”
“Currency is something we use and we touch every day. And when done right, it can tell us who we are, what we value, and what is possible,” she said.
She continued, “Today is not about me, or Lynn, new signatures on our currency. It’s about our collective work to create a stronger and more inclusive economy. At the end of the day, the field of economics is not about numbers or theory. It is about improving the lives of ordinary people.”
Jennet Yellen also finds it very valuable that women take part in the economy. He advocates the idea that countries that attach importance to gender equality in the economy will achieve economic development. In this sense, the presence of two women's signatures on the dollar shows that women will assume a more active role in the future.