Developed by Jacques Derrida, who is one of the most influential figures of literature and theory of 20th century, deconstruction seeks to lay bare the working mechanisms of the Western metaphysics, which is logocentric and phallocentric. That is, it undermines the constructed hierarchies established by the Western metaphysical thought and the ideologies embodying this thought. These hierarchies are constructed in accordance with the "logos" and thus the dominant ideology establishes its own epistemological categories to draw rigid boundaries between what is acceptable and what is not.
The theory of deconstruction (along with, of course, poststructuralism, psychoanalysis, postcolonialism, feminisms, queer theory etc.) is one of the most groundbreaking theories of 20th and 21th centuries.
The courses which have been added to the curriculum of the programme specifically for the theme of deconstruction are as follows:
Modernist Literature
Postmodern Literature
Postcolonial Literature
Film and Identity
Gender Studies
Race and Ethnicity