To start with the definition of entrepreneurship, a statement like the following would be appropriate: “The human's ability to create productivity or economic values based on brain power; Entrepreneurship is a product of intellectual and courage-based qualities such as thinking, reasoning, imagination, creativity, risk and responsibility.”
We can briefly list the characteristics of the entrepreneur as follows: The entrepreneur is always on purpose, he is not prejudiced, he observes well, identifies problems, his imagination is wide, he develops different solutions to problems, he thinks analytically and has his feet firmly on the ground.
In general, we see that intellectual labor is at the forefront in entrepreneurship. However, if entrepreneurship is for the activities of a startup (early entrepreneurship), it requires physical labor as well as intellectual labor. Starting from the very first establishment stage of the business, the startup entrepreneur has to put forth his physical labor at every moment.
While there are these difficulties on the one hand, on the other hand, I realized that entrepreneurship seems very attractive to us. Dr. From the research of our teacher Gülüzar. Dear Professor, Prof. Dr. Gülüzar Kurt Gümüş, in her research on startup performances (2020), saw an interesting data that caught my attention: 80% of our citizens in Turkey defined entrepreneurship as a good career option. This was a higher rate than I expected. There are some very good finds like this. Turkish people's view of entrepreneurship is more positive than the global average, Turkish people seem to have a serious enthusiasm and potential.
The research carried out by our dear teacher is “TURKEY'S ENTREPRENEURAL PERFORMANCE in terms of Startups”. It is included in the first chapter of the Nobel Scientific Works publication, Research on Financial Performance. In his study, Mr. Gümüş touched on the state of the startup ecosystem in Turkey over the years, as well as our thoughts on entrepreneurship. It contains information about accelerators (mentors, trainings), co-working spaces, technoparks and investors, which are important elements of the startup ecosystem. According to the research data, it is seen that the startup ecosystem has developed in Turkey between 2010 and 2019 and the number of the factors mentioned above has increased. Of course, with the development of the ecosystem, the startups in Turkey are also developing, their number is increasing and they are becoming more successful. Ecosystem development has a positive effect on startups and their numbers need to be increased.
In addition to the development of environmental factors, it is imperative that the entrepreneur himself develops. Due to some mistakes of the entrepreneurs, new projects can be born dead or fail to leap to the next level. One of the reasons why startups fail is that entrepreneurs fall in love with their ideas and are not open to improvement. Essentially, there is a lack of awareness here. They don't do market research, they think their product is the best.
As a result, if simultaneous development is achieved in all aspects of the startup ecosystem (entrepreneur, mentor, investor, physical conditions), the number of startup projects and their success rates will increase.
Assist. Prof. Orhan Özaydin, CMA