Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

International Trade And Business

 An Innovative Course From The Department of International Trade and Business: Biomimicry

2024-2025 Spring Term elective courses will include Biomimicry course.

The Biomimicry course, which was prepared by Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Meriç Yazıcı, one of the faculty members of the Department of International Trade and Busines, to be added to the faculty elective courses, will be given by our lecturer in the 2024-2025 Spring semester. Biomimicry course holds great opportunity to develop sustainable and innovative solutions inspired by nature. In today’s World, the increasing environmental challanges and resource scarcity make it essential to create natüre-compatible solutions across various fields, drom engineering and business to design and healtcare.

This course will equip students with the ability to analyze biological systems and adapt the to technology, architecture, or organizational structures. Particularly in this era of rapidly advancing artificial intelligence, green technology, and sustainable business models, the intersection of biomimicry with these fields will provide students with crucial knowledge on their path to becoming future innovation leaders. The most significant outcomes of this course include enabling students to develop biomimicry-based projects and fostering the emergence of patentable innovations. Thus, students will be able to create discoveries that hold both academic and commercial value, contributing to the entrepreneurial ecosystem.