26 May 2021 Wednesday
Creators of the Digital Age: Bits and Atoms
In addition to many institutions working on digital transformation, the presence of many authors and researchers who reflect on this issue, share ideas and produce arguments play a role in shaping today's business world. Perhaps the most read books on this subject is Chris Anderson, former editor of Wired magazine. Especially in the period when digital transformation has entered the internet-based development phase, his articles and books have opened new horizons for the readers about important developments.
Anderson's book " Makers: The New Industrial Revolution" focuses on this very subject, namely the digitalization of production. This book, published in 2012, actually tells us the incredible changes "bits and atoms" have shown in recent years and their power to influence each other. On the other hand, how bits digitize the world is reflected in the most beautiful and fluid way. The "Bit" mentioned here refers to the smallest file unit used in data storage and transfer in the computer and actually represents the computer-based software power. Atoms, on the other hand, describe all products with hardware features, including all non-software tools and equipment.
Nowadays, anyone who invented something in their personal computer and workshops now has the opportunity to produce. This opens new doors to entrepreneurship and the business world, and in a sense, provides a great transformation from mass production to re-entering homes. Thus, a distinction emerges between entrepreneur and inventor. The fact that these inventors carry the atoms to the web environment by using the power of bits enables them to become digital "makers". In addition, there are "communities" where the whole world meets on the web in order to achieve success in its constructive action. These communities are teams formed through voluntary participation where all kinds of digital sharing are made and joint work is developed. The makers make the most of the power of bits, bring atoms to the web environment, create open organizations (organizations working with an online community member from the global talent pool) and persuade people from all over the world to work on developing the same thing together, and they make the greatest contribution to this digital transformation by creating and using open hardware (Mozilla, Google, etc. free web applications).
Today, bits have created such a strong structure that has created channels where we can see this interaction, and it has become almost shaped both our social and business life. Now atoms are slowly being transported into a world and the digital world is constantly being reshaped. Of course, the place of atoms in our lives has not been completely replaced by bits. However, the increase of this war has caused us to see the power of bits in every field that will affect our lives. For example, bits are now the creators of countless subjects such as shaping our social life with social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, our investment and shopping preferences with cryptocurrencies, the use of our storage areas with cloud technologies, making our lives easier with the internet of things, the development of biotechnology with programmable materials (such as DNA), creating all designs with CAD tools, preparing all kinds of prototypes with 3D printing tools and producing exact objects with 3D scanning tools etc.
Of course, in such a new production model, there must also be a new type of production company. At the heart of this company, all the skills and knowledge of classical manufacturing companies (strict quality control mechanism, effective inventory management and supply chain management etc.) should be utilized (Anderson, 2014: 160). This is the only way to compete in terms of price and quality. On the other hand, the ability to create and mobilize a community around their products, such as web companies, should also be possessed so that new products are designed faster, better and cheaper. In short, this company should be like the best hardware companies and the best software companies (Anderson, 2014: 160). The Web Age has liberated bits and bits have changed the world (Anderson, 2014: 16). The bottom line is that businesses that will keep up and survive in this digital age will be businesses that use the power of "atoms and bits" together.
Anderson, C. (2012). Makers: The new industrial revolution. Random House. (Anderson, C. (2014). Geleceği Üretenler. (L. Görkem, Çev.). İstanbul: Optimist Yayınları.)
Research Assistant
Istanbul Gelisim University
Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences
Department of International Trade and Business