21 April 2021 Wednesday
Secrets of Successful Globalization for Managers
All global manufacturing businesses face difficulties when entering new markets. The common success secrets and recommendations of the successful managers of these businesses always point to the same topics. What are the common actions that lead to this success?
First of all, effective communication, which is the main actor in the successful and healthy execution of every relationship, is also one of the leading requirements of global success. It involves a need for intercultural talent, and this ability can be developed by managers' flexibility, empathy, respect and tolerance.
The second secret of being successful in the global arena is to know the customer. The manager must determine whether his business's products meet the needs of his international client. It should identify the needs, give its products the flexibility to meet these needs, and thus convince new customers that they are sensitive to their needs. It should then take steps to increase its global awareness and integrate the design and production of its products into global markets.
Although the products are revised according to global needs, tastes and sensitivities, the customer must first be aware of the product in order for the business to achieve sales success. The way to achieve this success is through effective marketing of the product.
Finally, the key to all these actions and another key to success is to observe global markets. Managers who want to be successful in the global arena should observe political, legal and social-economic changes and determine strategies to keep up with these changes without delay.
John J. Wild, K. L. (2017). Uluslararası İşletmecilik: Küreselleşmenin Zorlukları (8.Baskıdan Çeviri). (Çev. Arı G.S.). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
Merve Tosun
Research Assistant
Department of International Trade and Business