Women's entrepreneurship significantly affects the economic development level of countries. This effect is especially needed in developing economies. However, women entrepreneurship is experienced in developing economies in a more challenging (Yılmaz & Karaçelebi, 2020). When we look at the content of the expression of women's entrepreneurship, it is expressed as the fact that the woman has a business outside the home that she established in her name; working alone in her own business or working with other persons employed in a business or establishing partnerships as the owner; having contact with public and private organizations regarding business; the ability to make plans for the future of the business; to have a say on the income from the business such as investment and usage areas; undertaking all risks on behalf of her business. (Ecevit, 1993; cited in Baysal, 2020).
Women entrepreneurs face many obstacles in the early stages and after establishing their enteprises. Problems faced by women entrepreneurs in establishing a business; negative view of the environment in the transition to business womanhood, inexperience and lack of knowledge, insufficient capital and difficulties in obtaining it, the presence of bureaucratic obstacles, difficulties in obtaining qualified personnel, not being known in the sector, uncertainties regarding the course of the economy, existence of family problems (Çelik, 2018; cited in Durukan, 2021). Women entrepreneurs face various problems after starting their businesses. These problems are; inexperience and lack of experience in new business lives, role conflicts of running family and business together, the existence of economic problems due to insufficient capital, the complexity and bureaucratic problems of business-related legislation such as tax policy and social security policies, difficulties in establishing authority over employees, male dominance in the sector and the difficulties of being a woman (Çelik, 2018, cited in Durukan, 2021). In addition, in societies with high gender inequality, it is observed that women's participation in business life and enterprise processes is relatively low (Yılmaz & Karaçelebi, 2020).
In our country, women entrepreneurship has been tried to be increased, especially with state support, in recent years. At this point, steps are taken both by non-governmental organizations and within the Development Plans. In addition, successful entrepreneurship stories of women who are the pioneers of social changes can also be an element of courage for new initiatives. At this point, a glance at the link below about short venture stories of 6 young entrepreneur women with ideas that will change the future may be a source of inspiration for new ventures.
Yılmaz, E., & Karaçelebi, F. G. (2020). Kadın Girişimcilerin Girişim Süreçleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma.
İş Ve İnsan Dergisi,
7(2), 283-293.
Baysal, H. (2020). Türkiye’de Kadın Girişimci Yazını: Pandemi Öncesi Görünüm (1996-2020).
International Journal Of Entrepreneurship And Management Inquiries,
4(Özel Sayı 1), 50-71.
Durukan, L. (2021). Türkiye'de Kadın Girişimcilerin Desteklenmesinde Kosgeb’in Rolü.
Gazi İktisat Ve İşletme Dergisi,
7(1), 17-37.
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