Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Logistics Management (English)

 Logistics Management

What is Logistics Management? What are its aims, objectives and activities?

In the simplest sense, logistics can be defined as the whole of activities that enable people or institutions to buy, rent or borrow things from the point they buy to their door. Therefore, it can be said that logistics is a discipline that establishes the connection between suppliers and customers. In this context, logistics carries out the activities that will ensure the flow of the right product, in the right quantity, in the right way, at the right time, from the right source, in the right way and at the right price, while ensuring the flow of products. Broadly speaking, these activities can be listed as follows:
  • Purchasing activities
  • Transport activities
  • Order management activities
  • Storage activities
  • Stock and inventory control activities
  • Handling activities
  • Physical distribution activities
  • Reverse logistics activities.
By performing these activities correctly, businesses can gain a stronger position in the global competitive world, that is, they can create competitive advantage. This reveals the necessity of training qualified personnel in the logistics sector. Indeed, logistics, which has developed rapidly since the 1950s, has proven to be an area that needs to be specialized with its expanding scope. Because businesses and even countries that use logistics well can gain a strong position in world economies. Based on the above activities, the areas where a qualified logistics personnel can be employed in the sector can be listed as follows:
  • Organizations providing national or international logistics services
  • Businesses dealing with transportation business
  • Institutions providing storage services
  • Foreign trade companies
  • Businesses providing customs activities
  • Cargo companies
  • Port and maritime businesses
  • Organizations providing postal services.