Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Management Information Systems

 Management Information Systems Department Orientation Meeting

An orientation was held for first-year students of the Department of Management Information Systems.

General information about Istanbul Gelişim University was given to our students who will start their university education for the first time in the new academic year. At the meeting, information was given about courses, exams, ECTS and credit system operations, and information was also given about the Double Major Program and Horizontal Transfer programs. At the same time, information about the Erasmus+ Student Exchange Program and data science, which is the department's area of expertise, were among the other topics mentioned at the meeting. After the presentation of department research assistant Merve Vural Allaham, who held the meeting, Ataberk Ağakişi, a student of the Department of Management Information Systems and also has industry experience, shared his experiences with the students.
We wish success to all our students in the 2023-2024 academic year.
Orientation Presentation: https://prezi.com/p/edit/hqztupohqvdb/

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