The first event in MInspiring Days, organized by Istanbul Developmental University Management Information Systems Department, took place on 16.03.2018. PhD. Eray ÇAKICI, who previously worked at global companies such as IBM and Transplace and currently serves as Manager Consultant at SELCO Optimization Solutions, has met students. Eray Çakıcı combined the developments in the field of information with his experiences in the sector and explained the consulting services they have done to various firms with current examples.
He paid attention to developed technology such as Internet of Objects (IOT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Decision Support Systems (DSS), Cloud Computing and its usage in today's business areas and explained how it can be shaped in the future. Stating that they have developed special projects according to the needs of the institutions, Çakıcı said that the people in this sector need to be trained.
After the presentation, Eray Çakıcı answered the questions of the students and encouraged them by conveying that who have software knowledge can set a good position on this field. At the end of the activity, Assist. Prof. Dr. Tunku Tuncalı YAMAN, who from the Management Information Systems Department, thanked Çakıcı for this presentation and presented flowers.