Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Political Science And International Relations

 On the 2024 European Commission Türkiye Report

In its statement dated 31 October 2024, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye evaluated the 2024 Enlargement Strategy Document and country reports issued by the European Commission regarding Türkiye. The report highlights topics such as economic and structural progress, relations in the Eastern Mediterranean and with Greece, the Cyprus issue, the EU’s stance, and the revitalization of relations. According to the Ministry's assessment, the report includes both positive and critical elements; however, some areas contain incomplete evaluations. In this context, Türkiye has rejected the "unjust" assessments in the report concerning EU political criteria and Türkiye's internal dynamics.
The statement notes that Türkiye has achieved progress in economic and structural areas and supports the process of alignment with EU standards. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of reactivating suspended dialogue mechanisms – such as the Association Council and High-Level Dialogue Meetings.
The Ministry finds the positive evaluations in the report regarding relations in the Eastern Mediterranean and with Greece noteworthy. However, it criticizes the report's assessments, based on the “maximalist” positions of Greece and the Greek Cypriot Administration, as lacking balance. Türkiye specifically criticizes the EU’s "one-sided" stance on the Cyprus issue, arguing that the EU’s involvement in the Cyprus matter is inappropriate. Türkiye underscores that the solution process for the Cyprus issue should involve “two communities,” “three guarantor powers,” and the United Nations, with the EU remaining neutral.
The statement further emphasizes that the EU's biased attitude in the Cyprus solution process and its disregard for the rights of the Turkish Cypriot people have undermined Türkiye’s trust in the EU. Türkiye expects the EU to adopt a more balanced approach, reactivate constructive dialogue mechanisms, and take concrete steps to accelerate Türkiye’s accession process.