Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Political Science And Public Administration


The 7th "Economy and Finance" Conference, which we are organizing as Istanbul Gelişim University in cooperation with the University of the West of England Bristol and Azerbaijan State University of Economics, will be held online and face-to-face at Istanbul Gelişim University on 5-6 October 2023. The main theme of 2023 has been determined as "Future Economic Order".
Our aim, as scientists, is to address the important problems of the economic and financial structure faced by all humanity today and to develop solutions. We come together with our goal of creating a sustainable economic order for the future by discussing issues such as environmental pollution, corruption, excessive consumption, inflation and insufficient resources for the population.
We invite all participants who want to contribute to our congress to submit an abstract until September 25, 2023. Congress program will be announced on September 27, 2023. For more information and detailed program, you can visit our website: https://guicefm.gelisim.edu.tr/