19 November 2018 Monday
Public Relations and Publicity Students Become Volunteers to Protect the Environment
As part of the 28th Akbank Jazz Festival, with the "şehrin iyi hali" ’project, young people met in "Kinaliada" and showed their sensitivity to the environment. Among the sensitive young people were the students of Istanbul Gelişim University Public Relations and Publicity Department.
Nature lovers, under the leadership of TURMEPA, met in "Kinaliada" to protect the marine and coastal ecosystem and listened to the effects of waste on the ecosystem. The students named Arda KUĞU, Mehmet YÜKCÜ, Doğukan GÜLER, Mehmet Talha UZGAÇ of the Istanbul University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Public Relations and Publicity Department also attended the meeting in "Kinaliada". In the project, young peoples who came together with motto of "clean sea and deep blue sea" have cleaned 235 kilogramme domestic waste and 20 thousand 486 hundred cigarette stubs.
It is known that 8 million tons of plastic waste is left to the nature every year. Experts who say that the time of dissolution of plastic wastes in nature is 450 years, says that plastic pollution should be prevented for the future of the world. Students of the Public Relations and Publicity Department, who were sensitive about this issue, decided to support other projects related to the environment.