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 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Public Relations And Publicity

 Research Assistant Zeynep Özcan Published an Article in International Journal

The article titled "Archetypal Analysis Of Social Media Influencers As Storytellers In Relationship Management Perspective" by Zeynep Özcan, a research assistant in the Public Relations and Publicity Department, was published in the Social Sciences Journal of Istanbul Aydın University.

Istanbul Gelişim University Public Relations and Publicity Department Research Assistant Zeynep Özcan published a research article in the International Journal of Istanbul Aydın University Social Sciences Journal. In the article, the most watched sharing of the social media influencer that has the most number of subscribers on Youtube Turkey was examined. In the article, the most watched sharing of the social media influencer that has the most number of subscribers on Youtube Turkey was examined. In order to examine social media influencer and reach conclusions through archetypes that Jung has brought to the literature, in the perspective of new generation storytelling used in relationship management; the linguistic contents were analyzed with frequency analysis and discourse analysis, and the visual contents were examined with semiotic analysis.

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