Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Public Relations and Publicity Department students drew attention to street animals with "your life is our life" project. The project prepared by Ceren Hatice Yağlı, Faruk Ekrem Şafak and Melih Utkun, under the consultancy of İpek Sucu. The project provided information about what can be done for street lives and what measures could be taken to reduce the physical and psychological violence. Within the scope of the project, which was initiated with the aim of removing the problems in the housing, nutrition and health of animals, food, health and shelter materials were collected with the help of the students and these materials were brought together with the animals.
There are over 100 thousand street dogs in Istanbul and thousands of cats. The past research of institutions such as the World Health Organization supports this situation and it is assumed that current situation may going to worse. Lack of shelter, negative situations which animals faced, violance etc. shows to people the importance of undertake more responsibility about street animals.