Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Turkish Language And Literature

 Meeting in Literature XIII – the “Child-hood in Our Literature” Symposium

Meeting in Literature XIII – “Child-hood in Our Literature” Symposium, organized by Yeditepe University Turkish Language and Literature Department, will be held on May 9, 2024.
Through this event, it is aimed to build a bridge between undergraduate and graduate students studying in literature departments of universities.
Paper topics; children's literature, narrator/hero children in literature, child image in literature, children's language in narrative, children's folklore and the genres it represents in oral literature (rhymes, riddles...), children's humor, childhood in auto/biographical narratives, diaries written for children, children's magazines, space and child, childhood traumas, peer bullying, family relations, adult sovereignty and childhood, gender and childhood, ideology and child, etc. can be determined by taking into consideration themes. However, there is no specific limitation.
*The language of the symposium is Turkish.
*The symposium will be held face to face.
*The deadline for submission of abstracts is 2 APRIL 2024. (A maximum of 200 words / 12 points / written in Times New Roman format and the completed application form must be sent via e-mail to the specified address.)
*Participants whose papers are accepted will be notified as of April 11.
*The full text of accepted papers must be sent by 29 APRIL 2024 at the latest.
Application and Contact: Nilay Karakoç  -  nilay.karakoc@yeditepe.edu.tr  -  0216 578 00 00 (1642)