Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Turkish Language And Literature

 2023 NDS Literary Award Winner Announced

Zeynep Kaçar was the winner of this year's NDS Literature Award, which has been organized by Notre-Dame de Sion French High School and Notre-Dame de Sionites Association since 2008, with her novel “Yalnız”.

Notre Dame de Sion French High School aims to develop cultural ties between Turkey and France in addition to its education and training activities in the Turkish education life it has been in for more than one hundred and fifty years. For this purpose, NDS High School has created a literary award to strengthen the cultural ties between the two countries. NDS Literature Award is given to the work of a Turkish author who writes in Turkish alternately for one year in accordance with its regulation; the next year, it is given to the work of an author of Turkish or foreign origin, who wrote in French and whose work was translated into Turkish.

The winner of the NDS award, which was held for the 15th time this year, was Zeynep Kaçar, the author of the novel “Yalnız”, about a woman's struggle to find herself. Also, this year's honorable mention, “Daha İyi misin?” Hande Ortaç won with her short story book. The NDS Award ceremony will be held at the French Palace in June with the participation of Hervé Magro, the French Ambassador to Turkey, and the winning authors.