Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Turkish Language And Literature

 Significant Success in the “Accessible and Clean Energy” Category From IGU

World universities ranking organization Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking was announced in 2023. In the ranking, Istanbul Gelisim University, among 1591 universities from 112 countries, achieved success by ranking 12th among Turkish universities in the "Accessible Clean Energy" category for the first time this year.

In the list of 1591 universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) 2023 ranking, the world's leading higher education rating agency based in the UK, the success of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) was graded in six different categories in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. IGU, which was included in the "Accessible Clean Energy" category for the first time in the Impact Ranking 2023 list, was ranked 12th among Turkish universities.

In the ranking carried out in line with the 17 categories determined by the United Nations within the scope of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Istanbul Gelisim University was graded in 6 different categories with its studies in the field of education, innovative projects and contributions to society.

  • ranked 12th in Turkey in the SDG-7 Accessible and Clean Energy category, 201-300 worldwide,
  • ranked 12th in Turkey in the category of SDG-10 Reducing Inequalities, 301-400 worldwide,
  • ranked 14th in Turkey and 401-600 worldwide in the category of SDG-8 Decent Work and Economic Growth and achieved significant success.