Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Turkish Language And Literature

 Student Clubs Promotion Days Event was Held

Student Clubs Promotion Days event was held at IGU between 15-16 April.

İstanbul Gelişim University (İGU) witnessed colorful images within the scope of the Student Club Promotion Days event. Clubs operating in İGU participated in the promotional event held between 15-16 April. Within the scope of the promotion day activities, the clubs gave detailed information about the clubs to İGU students and registered new members.

Language, Thought and Literature Club, which operates under the umbrella of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, also took its place in the promotion days. Students from the club gave detailed information about club activities at the stand. Club members introduced the authors/poets hosted within the scope of the events organized by the club, and also gave information to the relevant parties about the works on which the interviews were held.

As the Department of Turkish Language and Literature, we say "welcome" to our dear students who have newly joined the Language, Thought and Literature Club.