Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Article Publication in the National Journal by Research Assistant Aydan Ünlükaya

Advertising Department Research Assistant Aydan Ünlükaya's article titled "Postfeminist Discourses Presented In Women-Oriented Advertising (Femvertising): Semiotic Analysis Of L’oreal Paris – “This Is An Ad For Men” Advertising Posters" was published.

From Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Advertising Department Research Assistant Aydan Ünlükaya's article has been published in the national refereed journal, Nişantaşı University Journal of Social Sciences. In the article titled “Postfeminist Discourses Presented In Women-Oriented Advertising (Femvertising): Semiotic Analysis Of L’oreal Paris – “This Is An Ad For Men”, Ünlükaya aimed to determine whether antifeminist discourses are included in women-oriented advertisements with feminist discourses and to reveal how the dominant patriarchal ideology is used to ensure continuity and to legitimize gender roles. In this context, Ünlükaya analyzed 3 advertising posters named "This is An Ad For Men" belonging to L'Oreal Paris brand by using semiotic analysis method, which is one of the qualitative research techniques.
Click on the link below to review the article in detail.