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 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Creative Advertising: What is Guerilla Marketing?

Guerrilla marketing, which is one of the alternative marketing strategies that only requires creativity and a small budget, has gained a new dimension with social media today.

The uncertainty created by the transformations that come with globalization directs businesses to produce more value and to adapt rapidly to these transformations. In this direction, especially large enterprises try to maintain their competitive advantage within the framework of traditional marketing methods and trend understanding. However, small and medium-sized enterprises have started to adopt more innovative approaches offered by guerrilla marketing, which consists of low-cost strategies, in order to be successful in the competitive environment and to make a difference (Bigat, 2012, p. 1023).
Guerrilla marketing, which has guerrilla war tactics in its origin, is a marketing method that aims to draw attention to another direction, as in guerrilla wars. Advertising messages created in this context create "instant, catchy, striking and rapid effects" on consumers. The guerrilla war tactic that emerged in the resistance of the Spanish against the French Napoleon in 1807-1814 is described as the weapon of the weak. This tactic means eliminating the enemy without realizing that he is a soldier (Özgül, 2008, cited from 168; Çeltek & Bozdoğan, 2012, p. 4789). This marketing method aims to contribute to brand awareness by using a technique other than traditional marketing methods. Advertising campaigns made with this method are generally cost-effective, creative and innovative strategies. The aim of this strategy is to spread the message rapidly among consumers (Örnek, 2016).
The meaning of the word guerilla in advertising; to convey the advertising message to the target audience without advertising. In other words, it expresses an advertising concept that does not aim to directly reach the target audience as in traditional mass media such as television, magazines and newspapers (Tanrıverdi, 2011, cited in 69-70; Pir, 2019, p.39).
Today, messages can spread rapidly with social media enabled by web 2.0 and web-based applications. Accordingly, an advertising message created in the context of a guerrilla marketing strategy spreads among consumers by creating a viral effect. Therefore, with only a creative advertising message, businesses can contribute to brand awareness without paying any cost.

Res. Assist. Aydan ÜNLÜKAYA


Bigat, E. Ç. (2012). Guerrilla advertisement and marketing. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences , 1022 – 1029.
Çeltek, E., & Bozdoğan, M. (2012). Alternatif Pazarlama İletişimi Aracı Olarak Gerilla Pazarlama: Uygulanmış Gerilla Pazarlama Reklam Örneklerinin İncelenmesi ve Turizm Sektörü İçin Model Önerileri. Journal of Yasar University, 4788 - 4812.
Örnek, M. (2016, 01 27). Gerilla Pazarlama Nedir? 03 29, 2021 tarihinde pazarlamasyon.com: https://pazarlamasyon.com/guerrilla-marketing-gerilla-pazarlama-nedir/ adresinden alındı
Pir, E. Ö. (2019). The Unoffıcıal Weapon Of Marketıng Communıcatıon: Gerılla Marketıng. EBYU İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 33-43.