Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Movie Recommendation: Marianne and Juliane (Die Bleierne Zeit)

Marianne and Juliane (Die Bleierne Zeit), one of the films that should not be missed by the students of the Faculty of Communication, is a 1981 film directed by Margarethe von Trotta, one of the important representatives of the New German Cinema. The film, which is shaped around the conflict-filled relationship of two activist sisters who carry out their actions in different ways, makes the “female gaze” felt at every moment of the film. While Juliane was a feminist journalist fighting for women's right to abortion; Marianne appears as a member of a revolutionary terrorist group.

Set in Germany in the years after 68, the film unflinchingly conveys its reflections on feminism in the years after the student movement. We see that the elements like religion, education, state, society, family, etc. want to tighten both women like corsets and put them in a certain shape. The fact that both sisters untie each other's corsets, even when they are resentful, is an impressive image that symbolizes that they always help each other to get out of their stuckness. The fact that their father, who was a priest, appears filled with frightening images in flashbacks of their childhood reveals the subconscious (especially Juliane, who says that she often dreams) of women who have been raised by intimidation and restraint.

The script of the movie is close to the classical narrative in terms of structure, but it also has elements that break the classical narrative from time to time. While the flashbacks of the childhood of the two sisters may be the beginning scene of the movie, the scene that is put at the end and many other elements are often different from what we are used to seeing. The third-person narrative is preferred in the film; the focus is usually Juliane, but also Marianne from time to time. Its dramatic plot and character curves are designed in a very unique way.

The colors are in the spirit of the period in which it was shot. So are the outfits, accessories, and other art direction items. Light and colors are the dark and pale colors that dominate New German Cinema in general dominate.