Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr


 Neuromarketing and Advertising

Advertising research and methods are changing in parallel with the developments in communication technologies. Brands trying to take their place in the minds of consumers among the advertising crowd use alternative methods other than traditional methods. One of these methods is "neuromarketing".

The human brain is exposed to thousands of messages during the day. Only some of these messages are deliberately identified in our brains, and the rest, except useless information, are stored subconsciously. In this context, our subconscious is very effective in determining our purchasing decisions and behavior. Neuromarketing, which focuses on finding the "root" reason in consumers' purchasing decisions and behaviors; It is defined as "a marketing method used by marketers, advertisers and researchers to create an effective advertising and marketing strategy in order to sell more goods and services produced by businesses to consumers, and to determine what affects their consciousness or subconscious" (Tüzel, 2010, p.164, 165) ). Neuromarketing, which is accepted as a new method in marketing research, makes use of medical technologies while measuring the reactions of consumers to goods and services (Ural, 2008, p. 423).
Neuromarketing; It focuses on measuring the parameters of "attention", "emotional attachment" and "retention". In this context, these three parameters; consumer attention to products; what they are affected by, loved, feared; As an example, we can give “how much” and “which part” of the advertisement they keep in mind (Yücel & Coşkun, 2018, p. 158). In this context, what neuromarketing basically measures is understanding exactly what consumers' brains react to in a commercial or visual, and creating an advertising campaign in this direction.
In traditional research methods, consumers sometimes do not give the correct answers. At this point, the importance of neuromarketing arises. However, this method gives more successful results when used together with traditional research methods, not when used alone.
Physiologically based biometric measurements (eye tracking, facial expression identification etc.) and neuroscientific based neuroimaging techniques (Fmrı, EEG) are techniques used in neuromarketing (Valiyeva, 2015, p.80). Using these techniques, it can be said that neuromarketing seeks answers to questions in the advertising world. These answers provide important information about consumers' product preferences and emotional reactions to advertisers (Fırat & Kümürcüoğlu, 2016, p.28).

Res. Assist. Aydan ÜNLÜKAYA
  • Fırat, A., & Kömürcüoğlu, F. (2016). Etkili Bir Reklam İçin Nöropazarlama. SOSYAL VE BEŞERİ BİLİMLER ARAŞTIRMALARI DERGİSİ, 25-46.
  • Nöropazarlarma Hakkında. 2020 tarihinde https://www.thinkneuro.net/tr/noromarketing/noropazarlama-hakkinda adresinden alındı
  • Tüzel, N. (2010). Tüketicilerin Zihnini Okumak: Nöropazarlama ve Reklam. Marmara İletişim Dergisi, 163-176.
  • Ural, T. (2008). Pazarlamada Yeni Yaklaşım: Nöropazarlama Üzerine Kuramsal Bir Değerlendirme. Ç.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 421-432.
  • Valiyeva, T. (2015). Tüketici Davranışlarını Etkilemede Yeni Bir İletişim Tekniği Olarak Nöropazarlama İletişimi. İstanbul. 11 19, 2020 tarihinde https://katalog.marmara.edu.tr/veriler/yordambt/cokluortam/FBD36C3D-5320-124C-A427-8EE877D49219/7088B486-1B8D-0A4D-A7D0-D441B3CC85FC.pdf adresinden alındı
  • Yücel, A., & Coşkun, P. (2018). Nöropazarlama Literatür İncelemesi. Fırat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi , 157-177.