The paper titled "Determination of the Importance Ranking of Flight Characteristics in Passengers' Flight Choice" by Büşra Önler Çiğdem, one of the Research Assistants of ...
Head of Aviation Management Department, Asst. Prof. Seda MUMLU KARANFİL's article titled “Havayolu İşletmelerinde Sürdürülebilir İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi Uygulamaları Üzerine Bir Araştırma” was published in ...
Head of Aviation Management Department, Asst. Prof. Seda MUMLU KARANFİL's article titled “The Mediating Role of Impression Management Tactics in the Effect of Employees' Organizational ...
The "Roketsan and the Future: Collaboration and Technological Transformation" event was held by Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Aviation Club.
The article titled "Workplace Romance: A Research on Flight Attendants in Aviation Industry" by Dr. Seda Mumlu Karanfil, Chair of the Department of Aviation ...