Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Are We Really Ready for Happiness?

Istanbul Gelisim University Psychology Department aims to raise awareness among students and therefore we invited Expert Psychologist/ Sociologist Bahar Akoğlu.

Istanbul Gelisim University Psychology Department aims to raise awareness among students and therefore we invited Expert Psychologist/ Sociologist Bahar Akoğlu. A talk with subject happiness was organized at Istanbul Gelisim University rectorate conference hall with the participation of Expert Psychologist/ Sociologist Bahar Akoğlu. This event aimed to help students to get to know themselves better and to include awareness to the world of psychology, and the concept of happiness was defined in terms of psychology, philosophy and literature.
In the event, studies on happiness research and the barriers on happiness were discussed and Akoğlu stated that the longest scientific research has been going on for 75 years by referring to and the studies of happiness starting from the 1930s are still ongoing. She also added that loneliness has hazardous impacts on human soul and body health and good relations is the secret to be healthy and happy.  During the event, the feelings of suffering, psychological loss, the phenomenon of age and the difficulties of loving oneself were discussed. Akoğlu said: "Sadness and depression are not the same thing. Sadness is a normal feeling. It has a certain time and limits. It contains the feeling of reality. However, depression is a disease" and she also suggested that students should pay attention to the balance of mental health.
In the following parts of the speech, Akoğlu emphasized the importance of social support and shared the results from the scientific studies on the use of time and energy in the right direction. She added: "Does money bring happiness? Money is not a condition for happiness. If we can meet our basic needs, money is not a criterion of happiness".  Akoğlu also commented on the relation of happiness and money and used a psychotherapy exercise by performing with students a confidence study through "draw the monster inside you".
At the end of event, students asked questions to the speaker. Following the presentation of the certificate of appreciation and the plate, Akoğlu asked the students to write down the three things that make them most happy, and ended her speech with Dostoevsky's saying: "One enjoys counting down his problems, but not the happiness".

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