Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
13 January 2025 Monday
Cooperation protocol signed between Bakırköy Municipality and Istanbul Gelisim University
The cooperation protocol between Bakırköy Municipality and Istanbul Gelisim University, which covers academic, scientific and educational fields, was signed in the office of Bakırköy Mayor Assoc. Prof. Ayşegül Ovalıoğlu.
Istanbul Gelisim University Rector Prof. Bahri Şahin, Vice Rector Prof. Necmettin Maraşlı, Director of Vocational School of Health Services Prof. Mustafa Nizamlioğlu, Continuing Education Center (SEM) Director Dr. Tayfun Timuray, Lecturer Ebru Cengiz and Lecturer Aylin Koç participated to the ceremony.
Academic and Scientific cooperation will expand
Within the scope of the protocol, it is planned to organize various activities such as seminars, conferences and project collaborations as well as academic and scientific studies. It was also stated that the parties will carry out joint studies to improve their human resources. With this cooperation, it is aimed to increase the knowledge and experience sharing of both parties by determining the procedures and principles of consultancy services and project-based studies.
The protocol laid the foundations for a long-term cooperation process, with an emphasis on supporting education and project-based work in particular. This protocol is expected to contribute to both the academic world and local governments.
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Assoc. Prof. Gülgün ÇİĞDEM, one of the faculty members of the Department of International Trade and Business, will participate in the 6th International Istanbul Current ...
The cooperation protocol between Bakırköy Municipality and Istanbul Gelisim University, which covers academic, scientific and educational fields, was signed in the office of Bakırköy Mayor ...
The talk titled "Production Processes in Television Programming" moderated by Assist. Prof. Erdem Türkavcı from the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema of the Faculty ...
Lecturer of the Department of International Trade and Finance, Res. Assist. Gökhan Özbilge's article titled “Dynamics of Digital Financial Inclusion in Turkey” was published in ...
Istanbul Gelisim University Institutional Open Access Archive (DSpace@Gelisim) continues its rise in the Turkish Academic Archive “Harman” system prepared by TUBITAK. As of October 2024, ...
The talk titled Production Processes in Television Programming organized by the (FEAS) Radio, Television and Cinema Department will take place on Thursday, November 14 at ...