Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
23 January 2019 Wednesday
Professor Dr. Aydın Başbuğ attended the Symposium
Participated in a symposium entitled 'Union Rights in Turkish Law'
Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University Faculty of Law and the Confederation of Labor Unions of Turkey, which was held together "in Turkish Law on Trade Union Movement 'symposium and here Prof. Dr. Basbug attended by a notification.Başbuğ said in his speech that important legal amendments had been made to protect and secure trade union movements, but despite these changes there was no change in unionization rate, so the main problem was not to increase the guarantees but also to protect and develop the right to collective bargaining.Recently, the right to collective bargaining was developed, so that hundreds of thousands of people can be unionized at one time. Basbug, in our legislation to prevent the right to collective bargaining by arguing that there are many regulations, gave concrete examples of his speech.
Two projects of Assoc. Prof. Ayşe Meriç Yazıcı, one of the faculty members of the Department of International Trade and Business Administration, were accepted within ...
Assoc. Prof. Gülgün ÇİĞDEM, one of the faculty members of the Department of International Trade and Business, will participate in the 6th International Istanbul Current ...
The cooperation protocol between Bakırköy Municipality and Istanbul Gelisim University, which covers academic, scientific and educational fields, was signed in the office of Bakırköy Mayor ...
The talk titled "Production Processes in Television Programming" moderated by Assist. Prof. Erdem Türkavcı from the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema of the Faculty ...
Lecturer of the Department of International Trade and Finance, Res. Assist. Gökhan Özbilge's article titled “Dynamics of Digital Financial Inclusion in Turkey” was published in ...
Istanbul Gelisim University Institutional Open Access Archive (DSpace@Gelisim) continues its rise in the Turkish Academic Archive “Harman” system prepared by TUBITAK. As of October 2024, ...
The talk titled Production Processes in Television Programming organized by the (FEAS) Radio, Television and Cinema Department will take place on Thursday, November 14 at ...