İktisadi İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 İktisadi İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler (İngilizce)

Beylikdüzü Kaymakamı Bülent Karacan, İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi’nde Öğrencilerle Buluştu
'Beylikdüzü Kaymakamı Bülent Karacan, İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi’nde Öğrencilerle Buluştu

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Uluslararası Diplomasi Kulübü, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümü ve İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Siyasal ve Sosyal Araştırma ...

Daha Fazlası
Öğrenci Kulüpleri Tanıtım Etkinliği
'Öğrenci Kulüpleri Tanıtım Etkinliği
Avrupa Komisyonu 2024 Türkiye Raporu Hk.
'Avrupa Komisyonu 2024 Türkiye Raporu Hk.
'15 Temmuz Demokrasi ve Milli Birlik Günü Paneli

16 Temmuz 2024 tarihinde saat 14:00’da K-Blok Firnas Oditoryum’da Prof.Dr. Neziha Musaoğlu’nun moderatörlüğünde Prof.Dr. Yavuz Çilliler ve Gazeteci Çağatay Kenarlı’nın ...

Daha Fazlası
'Istanbul Gelisim University Organizes "International Africa Symposium"

"International Africa Symposium" will be organized by Istanbul Development University on 25-26 May 2024 with the title "Africa in the ...

Daha Fazlası
'Voluntary Internship Information Seminar

The seminar titled "Voluntary Internship Information Seminar" organized by the Department of Political Science and International Relations will take place ...

Daha Fazlası
'Current Developments in the Russia-Ukraine War

The seminar titled " Current Developments in the Russia-Ukraine War” organized by the Department of Political Science and International Relations ...

Daha Fazlası
'Current Developments in the Middle East Seminar
'Scimago University Rankings 2024

The results of "SCImagoUniversity Rankings 2024", which ranks the scientific research, innovation and social impacts of world universities according to ...

Daha Fazlası
'Prof. Dr. Neziha Musaoğlu drew attention to the importance of CEDAW at the Women's Studies Panel at Giresun University
'Increasing the Number of NATO Interns

In the letter 24316220-526-3135904 sent by the Ministry of National Defense to the Presidency of the Council of Higher Education ...

Daha Fazlası
'Office Days and Hours of Faculty Members for 2023-2024 Spring Semester
'Asst.Prof.Dr. Emre Gündoğdu’s article has been published.

Asst. Prof.Dr. Emre Gündoğdu’s article titled “The Dynamics of Türkiye’s Rising Military Deterrence (2016-2023)” was published in Akademik Hassasiyetler Issue ...

Daha Fazlası
'Department of Political Science and International Relations Renewed an External Stakeholder Protocol with TASCA

An academic cooperation protocol was renewed between the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and ...

Daha Fazlası
'Department of Political Science and International Relations Signed an External Stakeholder Protocol with ODAP

Istanbul Gelişim University; An academic cooperation protocol was signed between the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of ...

Daha Fazlası
'National Internship Program Applications for 2024 are now open!

Student applications for the "National Internship Program" for 2024 have started as of 28 December 2023. Applications will continue until ...

Daha Fazlası
'Council of Higher Education (YÖK) evaluated universities: IGU is in the top 3 in 6 categories!

The "University Monitoring and Evaluation General Report-2023" prepared by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) was published. Istanbul Gelisim University ...

Daha Fazlası
'100 Stakeholders Meet at Gelisim University on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic

The "100 Stakeholders Meet at Gelisim University on the 100th Anniversary of the Republic" event organized by Istanbul Gelisim University ...

Daha Fazlası
'"2023-2024 Academic Year Student Orientation" was held

"2023-2024 Academic Year Student Orientation" and "Welcome Event" were organized for the new students of Istanbul Gelisim University. A comprehensive ...

Daha Fazlası
'Uluslararası Okuryazarlık Günü

UNESCO, 8 Eylül 2023 tarihinde Uluslararası Okuryazarlık Günü'nü Fransa'nın başkenti Paris'teki genel merkezinde düzenleyeceği bir anma töreniyle kutlayacak. Bu önemli ...

Daha Fazlası
'BM Genel Kurulu'nun 18 Eylül 2023 tarihli 78. Oturumu: İlerleme için Küresel Bir Yakınlaşma

Birleşmiş Milletler Genel Kurulu'nun (UNGA) 78. Oturumu, 193 üye devletin liderlerini New York'ta bir araya getirmeye hazırlanıyor. BM Genel Merkezi'ni ...

Daha Fazlası
'Happy World Museum Day!

World Museum Day, an annual event organized by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) since 1977, holds significant importance for ...

Daha Fazlası
'Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting Project in Türkiye

The follow-up seminars of the Implementation of Gender Equality Sensitive Planning and Budgeting in Turkey project, which will end in ...

Daha Fazlası
'8th International Middle East Symposium Supported by Tübitak!
'International Women's Day

International Women's Day is a global celebration of the achievements and struggles of women throughout history. It is observed on ...

Daha Fazlası
'Conference titled “Public Opinion and Media” was held.

TV5 News Director-Journalist Hasan Basri AKDEMİR held the conference titled " Public Opinion and Media" on 04 January 2023 at ...

Daha Fazlası
'Interview titled “Diplomacy Workshop: Digital Diplomacy and Turkey” was Held

Res. Assist. Güçlü KÖSE held a talk titled "Diplomacy Workshop: Digital Diplomacy and Turkey" moderated by Res. Assit. Elif ŞAHİN ...

Daha Fazlası
Human Rights Day
'Human Rights Day

Within this context, Human Rights Day was celebrated on 10th December 2022 as the 74th anniversary of the Universal Declaration ...

Daha Fazlası
'3 December International Day of People with Disabilities

UN Secretary General Guterres emphasized that innovation is the key to a fairer world for people with disabilities, in his ...

Daha Fazlası
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's November Issue Has Been Published

Techno-Agenda, Eco-Agenda, New Professions, Culture-Arts-Literature, SosyoCom Raf, Education-Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Political Agenda, Health-Psychology, Socio-Agenda, Socialization Time and Academic Life ...

Daha Fazlası

Students who registered late to the courses after 31 October 2022 (including 31 October) due to various excuses were given ...

Daha Fazlası
'President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met in Istanbul on November 4, 2022.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met in Istanbul on the Friday, 4th November. First of ...

Daha Fazlası
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's October Issue Has Been Published

The October issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Daha Fazlası
'President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met in Istanbul on November 4, 2022.
'2022-2023 Academic Year Feass Academic General Meeting was Held

FEASS Academic General Assembly meeting was held in the Mehmet Akif Ersoy Conference Hall on October 24, 2022, at 11:30 ...

Daha Fazlası
'VII. International Middle East Symposium: Political and Social Stability in the Middle East (May 10-11, 2022, Online): Proceedings has been published.

The Middle Eastern region’s political, economic, and social dynamism encourages Istanbul Gelisim University, driven by the importance it attaches to ...

Daha Fazlası
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's September Issue Has Been Published

Techno-Agenda, Eco-Agenda, New Professions, Culture-Arts-Literature, SosyoCom Raf, Education-Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Political Agenda, Health-Psychology, Socio-Agenda, Socialization Time and Academic Life ...

Daha Fazlası
IGU Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences Orientation Meeting was Held!
'IGU Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences Orientation Meeting was Held!

IGU Faculty of Economics Administrative and Social Sciences Orientation Meeting was held on Wednesday, September 28 at 12:30 pm. ...

Daha Fazlası
' “Comparative Modernisation” has been published!

The aim of the book, edited by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yavuz ÇİLLİLER and Assist. Prof. Dr. Emre GÜNDOĞDU, is to ...

Daha Fazlası
Course registrations for IGU FEASS 2022-2023 Academic Year Fall Semester has started
'Course registrations for IGU FEASS 2022-2023 Academic Year Fall Semester has started
'SosyoCom August Bulletin Has Been Published

The August issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Daha Fazlası
ıgu news

In 2015, an agreement was made between Iran and the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for ...

Daha Fazlası
'IGU is one of the top 3 most preferred foundation universities in Turkey!

Following the announcement of Higher Education Institution Exam results, university registrations started. Istanbul Gelisim University has become one of the ...

Daha Fazlası
'Regarding 2022 ALES /2
UN Interim Coordinator qualified the grain export deal as "a very good start"
'UN Interim Coordinator qualified the grain export deal as "a very good start"

Frederick J. Kenney Jr., interim Coordinator for the UN at the Joint Coordination Centre commented on the grain export deal ...

Daha Fazlası
Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom’s July Issue Has Been Published
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom’s July Issue Has Been Published

The July issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Daha Fazlası
'Grain Exports Deal

The "Initiative for the Safe Transportation of Grain and Food Products from Ukrainian Ports” was signed by the UN, Türkiye, ...

Daha Fazlası
'Online panel organized by Political Science and International Relations Department on “July 15 Democracy and National Unity Day” was held on July 18.

The panel was held with the participation of Prof. Dr. Hilmi DEMİR, Prof. Dr. İsmet Galip YOLCUOĞLU, and Assist. ...

Daha Fazlası
The UN Ocean Conference was started on June 27 in Lisbon
'The UN Ocean Conference was started on June 27 in Lisbon

The United Nations Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the governments of Kenya and Portugal, was started on Monday, June 27, in ...

Daha Fazlası
Migration Research Foundation- 2022-2023 Migration and Diaspora Academy Basic Education Program Announcement
'Migration Research Foundation- 2022-2023 Migration and Diaspora Academy Basic Education Program Announcement
2021-2022 Academic Year Summer School Announcement
'2021-2022 Academic Year Summer School Announcement

The list of courses to be potentially opened in the 2021-2022 summer school have been shared on the Education and ...

Daha Fazlası
IGU High School Summer Academy in between 20 – 24 June!
'IGU High School Summer Academy in between 20 – 24 June!

Istanbul Gelisim University organizes SUMMER HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMY for high school students to contribute to their future career choices. High ...

Daha Fazlası
Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom’s May Issue Has Been Published
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom’s May Issue Has Been Published

The May issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Daha Fazlası
'Final Declaration Of The VII Middle East Symposium: Socio-Politıcal Change in The Middle East

The VII International Middle East Symposium was held on May 10-11, 2022, hosted by Istanbul Gelisim University with the theme ...

Daha Fazlası
Cinema and Politics Workshop III
'Cinema and Politics Workshop III
Double Major Program (DMP) Applications
'Double Major Program (DMP) Applications

Depending on the provisions of Istanbul Gelisim University Undergraduate Education-Teaching and Examination Regulations, students who successfully carry out their major ...

Daha Fazlası
VII International Middle East Symposium Program Has Been Published
'VII International Middle East Symposium Program Has Been Published
VII. International Middle East Symposium
'VII. International Middle East Symposium will be held on May 10-11, 2022

The symposium, which will be in Turkish, English and Arabic, will be formed on three different Google Meet links. ...

Daha Fazlası
Erasmus+ Study and Intership Mobility Announcement
'Erasmus+ Study and Intership Mobility Announcement
Guterres, in his statement on the report of IPCC, gave the message, "It is now or never if we will limit global warming to 1.5 degrees"
'Guterres, in his statement on the report of IPCC, gave the message, "It is now or never if we will limit global warming to 1.5 degrees"

The third part of the sixth evaluation report titled "Mitigation of Climate Change" by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ...

Daha Fazlası
Aylık Etkinlik ve Haber Bülteni SosyoCom'un Mart Sayısı Yayımlandı
' Aylık Etkinlik ve Haber Bülteni SosyoCom'un Mart Sayısı Yayımlandı
'VII. International Middle East Symposium

VII. International Middle East Symposium will be held online via Google Meet on May 10-11, 2022 by Istanbul Gelişim ...

Daha Fazlası
Pictures from the “Political History Workshop” has been posted on Instagram!
'Pictures from the “Political History Workshop” has been posted on Instagram!
'Webinar Titled "Discussing Eurasia: Regional Crises And Challenges" Was Held By The Department of IGU Political Science And International Relations

On Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 10:00, a panel titled 'Discussing Eurasia: Regional Crises and Challenges' was held by the ...

Daha Fazlası
Political History Workshop
'Political History Workshop

“Political History Workshop” organized by Political Science and International Relations Department in collaboration with IGUSAM (Political and Social Researches ...

Daha Fazlası
Scholarship Announcement from Turkish Fulbright Education Commission
'Scholarship Announcement from Turkish Fulbright Education Commission
Professor Andrzej Olejko From the University Of Juroslaw Made a Presentation For the Gallipoli and The Carpathians Webinar
'Professor Andrzej Olejko From the University Of Juroslaw Made a Presentation For the Gallipoli and The Carpathians Webinar

Within the scope of Erasmus + program, Professor Andrzej Olejko from the University Of Juroslaw visited Political Science and International ...

Daha Fazlası
Webinar: Gallipoli and The Carpathians: Two Theaters of War of the Great War 1914-1916
'Webinar: Gallipoli and The Carpathians: Two Theaters of War of the Great War 1914-1916

“Gallipoli and The Carpathians: Two Theaters of War of the Great War 1914-1916 Webinar” organized by Political Science and International ...

Daha Fazlası
Guterres Says Africa
'Guterres Says Africa is 'source of hope' For the World

António Guterres -the UN Secretary-General- stated that Africa was “a source of hope” for the whole world, emphasizing the examples ...

Daha Fazlası
DR Congo
'UN rights office warns of risk of further attacks on displaced camps in DR Congo

The UN human rights office (OHCHR) stated on Tuesday that authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) must ...

Daha Fazlası
 Politics Workshop
'“Winter School ’22: Politics Workshop”

Winter School Academy ’22, which was held at the Istanbul Gelisim University through both Face to Face Workshops and Online ...

Daha Fazlası
UN Report Finds Nature Conservation Funding Must Triple Globally This Decade
'UN Report Finds Nature Conservation Funding Must Triple Globally This Decade

A new UN report released on Thursday highlights the need for the G20's leading industrialized countries to adopt an effective ...

Daha Fazlası
'Young people mus thave 'a seat at the table' in peace efforts: Guterres

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on thursday that while young people are at the fore front of efforts to build ...

Daha Fazlası
'From the Field: Working with nature to transform lives

“Nature-based solutions” are a significant factor in struggling with the climate crisis and also play a significant role in struggling ...

Daha Fazlası
Lise öğrencilerine özel ‘’Lise Kış Akademisi’’ başlıyor
'High School Winter Academy Begins!
'Cinema and Politics Workshop

The first event of the Cinema and Politics Workshop was held in Istanbul Gelisim University’s mini cinema on 29.12.2021 under ...

Daha Fazlası
'Stepping Up Assistance to Venezuelans Crossing Chile's Inhospitable Northern Border

Rebeca Cenalmor-Rejas -Head of UN Refugee Agency’s (UNHCR) National Office in Chile- said on thursday that The UN Refugee Agency ...

Daha Fazlası
'UN chief: 'We cannot defeat a pandemic in an uncoordinated way'

António Guterres -UN Secretary-General- gave an interview on December 16, 2021 by saying that states all around the world should ...

Daha Fazlası
'International conference held in Budapest, Hungary dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Turkic States

Turkic Council together with the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary (IFAT) and Center of Analysis ...

Daha Fazlası

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on social sciences has been studied. Commenting on the subject, Asst. Prof. Dr. Viktoriia ...

Daha Fazlası
'Mediation Efforts to Resolve Sudan Crisis Underway, UN Envoy Reports

UN Special Representative for Sudan -Volker Perthes- informed that the UN mediation efforts for resolving the political crisis in Sudan ...

Daha Fazlası
'The Interrelationships of Politics and Economy Panel

“The Interrelationships of Politics and Economy Panel” organized by Political Science and International Relations Department in collaboration with IGUSAM (Political ...

Daha Fazlası
'Students of Different Nationalities Come Together on International Day for Tolerance

The "International Day for Tolerance", accepted by UNESCO, which declared 2021 as the year of Hacı Bektaş-ı Veli and Yunus ...

Daha Fazlası

November 1 marks two years since the law on “sovereign Runet” came into force. According to the law, a national ...

Daha Fazlası
'Webinar: Challenges to Democracy in the Balkans

“Challenges to Democracy in the Balkans” organized by Political Science and International Relations Department in collaboration with IGUSAM (Political and ...

Daha Fazlası
'UN Chief Condemns ‘Ongoing Military Coup’ in Sudan

In the face of ongoing military coup against the prime minister in Sudan, the UN Secretary- General Antonio Guterres stressed ...

Daha Fazlası
'WHO: Global health community prescribes climate action for COVID recovery

World Health Organization's (WHO) COP26 Special Report on Climate Change and Health published on October,2021 in the lead-up to the ...

Daha Fazlası
'Announcement about 2021 YLSY International Graduate Education Scholarship Applications

358 students will be sent abroad to study for master's and/or doctorate with official scholarship status within the scope of ...

Daha Fazlası
'Applications for the 2022-2023 Academic Year Jean Monnet Scholarships Started!

The applications for the 2022-2023 academic year Jean Monnet Scholarship Programme started on 24 September 2021. The application deadline is ...

Daha Fazlası
'Research Assistant Elif Şahin and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih Fuat TUNCER's article has been published.

The article titled "COVID-19 AS AN OTHERING PRACTICE: DONALD TRUMP'S ANTI-CHINESE DISCOURSE" has been published in the ULAKBIM-indexed Journal of ...

Daha Fazlası
'UN Summit Convened for “High Level Dialogue on Energy"

The UN, at the request of the General Assembly, held the “High Level Dialogue on Energy Summit” on September 22-23th, ...

Daha Fazlası
'‘How Afghanistan’s New Interim Government Governs Will Determine the Fate of Millions of Lives’: Head of UNAMA

“The lives of millions of Afghans will depend on how the Taliban choose to govern,” said Deborah Lyons, the Secretary-General’s ...

Daha Fazlası
aşı sertifikası
'EU decided to recognize Turkey's vaccination certificates
sbui ing haber
'“Xi Jinping’in Düşünceleri” Çin Okulları’nda müfredata dahil edildi
'Hungary as the President of the Council of Europe

The Council of Europe (CoE) is an international organization which was founded after World War II to uphold human rights, ...

Daha Fazlası
The book
'The book titled VI. International Middle East Symposium: Socio-Political Change in the Middle East (May 18th, 2021, Online): Summaries

The book titled VI. International Middle East Symposium: Socio-Political Change in the Middle East (May 18th, 2021, Online): Summaries has ...

Daha Fazlası
UN health agency urges support for new COVID-19 origins studies
'UN health agency urges support for new COVID-19 origins studies
'Yuri Pilipson, the Fourth European Director of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, answered the questions of Russia Today IA.

Yuri Pilipson, the Fourth European Director of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, answered the questions of Russia Today IA. ...

Daha Fazlası
igü sbui haber agustos
'Conflict, COVID, Climate Crisis, Likely to Fuel Acute Food Insecurity in 23 ‘Hunger Hotspots’

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Food Programme (WFP) have warned that 41 million people in 23 states mainly ...

Daha Fazlası
'Research Assistant Elif ŞAHİN’s Article Has Been Published.

Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Department of Radio, Television and Cinema RA Erdem Türkavcı and Department of Political ...

Daha Fazlası
kadın işgücü
'Fewer women than men will regain work during COVID-19 recovery: ILO

According to International Labour Organization (ILO), women around the world face income losses especially in the sectors such as food ...

Daha Fazlası
'Fewer Women Than Men Will Regain Work During COVID-19 Recovery: ILO

According to International Labour Organization (ILO), women around the world face income losses especially in the sectors such as food ...

Daha Fazlası
'The Visegrad Group

The Visegrad Group, Visegrad Four, V4 or European Quartet is a cultural and political alliance of four Central European countries ...

Daha Fazlası
'100: Xi Warns China CCP Will Not Be 'Oppressed' in Anniversary Speech

Last Thursday, China celebrated the 100th anniversary of the ruling Communist Party with a crowd of about 70,000 people in ...

Daha Fazlası
'Digital dumpsites' study highlights growing threat to children: UN health agency
''Digital dumpsites' study highlights growing threat to children: UN health agency
'Myanmar: Timely Support And Action by Security Council 'Really Paramount', Says UN Special Envoy

The UN Special envoy for Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, said on Friday that the UN Security Council needs to take ...

Daha Fazlası
Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the ruling to label Alexei Navalny’s organisation and his regional offices“
'Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the ruling to label Alexei Navalny’s organisation “extremist groups”
'UN Hails New Anti-Corruption Network, as ‘Important Step’ to Build Trust, Promote Justice

The United Nations began an initiative against transnational corruption in order to “empower all countries” to find practical solutions to ...

Daha Fazlası
final dec conf
'Final Declaration of the "Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Covid World" Webinar

Political Science and International Relations (English) department of Istanbul Gelisim University organized and hosted a webinar titled “Central and Eastern ...

Daha Fazlası
The VI International Middle East Symposium
'Final Declaration of The VI Middle East Symposium: Socio-Political Change in the Middle East

The VI International Middle East Symposium was held on May 18, 2021, hosted by Istanbul Gelişim University with the theme ...

Daha Fazlası
'Ceasefire Can’t Hide Scale of Destruction in Gaza, UN Warns, as Rights Experts Call for ICC Probe

Even though the international community welcomes the Gaza ceasefire announcement between Israel and Hamas on May 21, 2021 after 11 ...

Daha Fazlası
Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Covid World Webinar
'Central and Eastern Europe: Challenges and Opportunities in the Post-Covid World Webinar
benjaminfranklin igü
'Expediting COVID-19 vaccination could prevent millions of deaths and save billions of dollars

Several researchers have called for vaccine rollouts to happen as fast and equitably as possible in order to fight against ...

Daha Fazlası
'Security Council Upholds Role of Multilateralism in a Complex World

Volkan Bozkir- the General Assembly President of UN- highlighted the importance of multilateralism on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and ...

Daha Fazlası
Three Seas Initiative in 2021
'Three Seas Initiative in 2021
'ECOSOC Chief Calls for Financial Support for Small Island Developing States

Munir Akram, President of the UN Economic and Social Council, stressed that financial aids should be given to small island ...

Daha Fazlası
guterres sbui igü
'Guterres urges cities to embrace ‘generational opportunity’ for climate action, sustainable development

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres addressing the C40 Mayors Climate Alliance highlighted that cities are “on the frontlines” of the ...

Daha Fazlası
'Myanmar Violence Must Cease Immediately ’: UN Agencies

According to several media reports, about a hundred people died on last Friday because of the crackdown of Myanmar military ...

Daha Fazlası
COVID-19 vaccine rollout ‘unacceptably slow’ in Europe, WHO warns
'COVID-19 vaccine rollout ‘unacceptably slow’ in Europe, WHO warns
'What is Changing in the Electoral Legislation

Amendments that bring the electoral legislation in line with the new norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation were ...

Daha Fazlası
COVID-19 has exposed endemic gender inequality, Guterres tells UN Women’s commission
'COVID-19 has exposed endemic gender inequality, Guterres tells UN Women’s commission

António Guterres, the General Secretary of the UN, emphasized that women suffer enormous damage from the pandemic and it is ...

Daha Fazlası
'NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg Declared NATO Priorities

Stoltenberg attended an online event at Stanford University in California on March 9th, 2021. He set out NATO’s top priorities ...

Daha Fazlası
Myanmar protests
'UN Special Rapporteur calls for ‘urgent and decisive’ action to support people of Myanmar
SosyoCom'un Şubat sayısı yayınlandı.
'Aylık Etkinlik ve Haber Bülteni SosyoCom'un Şubat Sayısı Yayımlandı
Climate Change
'UN Climate Report a 'Red Alert' For the Planet: Guterres

The recent report prepared by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) exposes the urgent need for a comprehensive ...

Daha Fazlası
DR Congo: Lives and futures of three million children at risk, UNICEF warns
'DR Congo: Lives and futures of three million children at risk, UNICEF warns

The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) puts emphasis on the negative conditions of millions of children who have been displaced ...

Daha Fazlası
Child Soldiers
'COVID Fuelling Risk of Recruitment and Use of Children in Conflict, UN and EU Warn on International Day

Several conflicts all around the world prevent children accessing health care and education because many schools and hospitals are targeted ...

Daha Fazlası
Security Council calls for release of Aung San Suu Kyi
'Security Council calls for release of Aung San Suu Kyi, pledging ‘continued support’ for Myanmar’s democratic transition

Security Council members of the United Nations announced a statement emphasizing the importance of upholding democratic institutions, respecting human rights ...

Daha Fazlası
SosyoCom'un ilk sayısı yayınlandı.
'Aylık Etkinlik ve Haber Bülteni SosyoCom'un İlk Sayısı Yayınlandı
'WorldMUN 2021 Calls For Students to Join Model UN Conference

The world's most diverse college model UN conference, Harvard World Model United Nations (WorldMUN) will be held from February 26 ...

Daha Fazlası
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, vaccine
'2 million COVID-19 deaths: ‘’Our world can only get ahead of this virus one way- together’’
Democrats Presented a Draft of Trump’s impeachment for "Inciting Insurgency"
'Democrats Presented a Draft of Trump’s impeachment for "Inciting Insurgency"

Democratic congressmen have released a draft resolution to launch impeachment proceedings against Trump for "inciting insurgency." They believe that the ...

Daha Fazlası
Trump blocked by Twitter and Facebook
'Trump blocked by Twitter and Facebook
Sustainable Planet
'2021 is Here: 5 Green New Year's Resolutions To Save the Planet

Every year we plan new year resolutions for our personal lives from starting to gym to having a new ...

Daha Fazlası
AB ve İran İlişkileri
'EU Foreign Ministers Pave Way for Revival of Iran Nuclear Deal
South Sudan faces 'catastrophic' famine unless conflict ended
'"Millions of lives in South Sudan are at risk", say the UN representatives in South Sudan
 İGÜ “QS EECA 2021” sıralamasında ilk 300’de
'İGÜ “QS EECA 2021” sıralamasında ilk 300’de

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi, “QS EECA 2021” sıralamasında ilk 300 üniversite arasına girdi. “Uluslararası Akademisyen” kategorisinde 58'inci sırada yer alan üniversite, ...

Daha Fazlası
Covid Crisis Offers a Chance to Act on Climate, Report Says
'Covid Crisis Offers a Chance to Act on Climate, Report Says
"Regional Challenges Workshop: The Future of Europe"
'Regional Challenges Workshop: The Future of Europe

"Regional Challenges Workshop: The Future of Europe" event will be held on December 10th, 2020, between 13:00 and 15:00 in ...

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'RAND Europe’s “COVID-19 and the Cost of Vaccine Nationalism” Report

The coronavirus breakout, declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020, is continuing to claim the lives ...

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Günümüz Türk Dünyasında Temel Sorunlar Konulu Panel
'Günümüz Türk Dünyasında Temel Sorunlar Konulu Panel

19 Kasım 2020 tarihinde İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü, İGÜSAM iş birliği ile "Günümüz Türk Dünyasında ...

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Mülteci Sorunu ve COVID-19
'Pandemi dünyada mülteci sorununun derinleşmesini hızlandırabilir

Dünya genelinde tampon bölgelerdeki göçmen bekleyişlerinin, ülkeleri derinden sarsmaya devam eden koronavirüsle (COVID-19) mücadele süreci nedeniyle gündemin gerisinde kaldığını dile ...

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Koronovirüs Hakkında
'Koronavirüs ile birlikte ulus devletler yeniden sahneye dönüyor

Dünyayı kasıp kavuran koronavirüs salgını ile ilgili İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü öğretim üyesi Dr. Fatih ...

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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi I. Uluslararası Karadeniz ve Hazar Havzası Ülkeleri Sempozyumu
'I. Uluslararası Karadeniz ve Hazar Havzası Ülkeleri Sempozyumu

I. Uluslararası Karadeniz ve Hazar Havzası Ülkeleri Sempozyumu, "Karadeniz ve Hazar Havzasında İstikrarı Tesis Etmek" alt başlığı ile 21-22 Nisan ...

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Japonya-Güney Kore Anlaşmazlığı
'İGÜ Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümü 17'nci E-bültenini yayımladı
Dr. Keusike Wakizaka Sempozyuma katılım sertifikasını aldı.
'Uluslararası Türkoloji Araştırmaları Sempozyumu'nda Bakü-Tiflis-Kars Demiryollarının Ermenilere ne tür etkilerin olabileceği anlatıldı

26-28 Eylül 2019 tarihinde Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi’nde “Uluslararası Türkoloji Araştırmaları Sempozyumu” düzenlenmiş ve İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve ...

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Konferans Açılış
'V. Uluslararası Orta Doğu Sempozyumu Sona Erdi

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümünün geleneksel olarak düzenlediği V. Uluslararası Orta Doğu Sempozyumu 9-11 Nisan 2019 ...

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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi - Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Alihan Limoncuoğlu
'İGÜ Siyaset Bilimi Uzmanı Limoncuoğlu: Halk sandıktan soğudu

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi (İGÜ) Siyaset Bilimi Uzmanı Dr. Alihan Limoncuoğlu, sık tekrarlanan seçimler nedeniyle halkın sandıktan soğuduğuna dikkat çekerek, “İnsanlar ...

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İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümü 15'inci E-bülteni
'Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümü 15'inci E-bültenini yayınladı
'Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler on dördüncü E-bülteni yayınlandı
Açılış Mesajı
'2018-2019 Eğitim Öğretim Yılı Bahar Yarıyılı Açılış Mesajı

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi (İGÜ) İktisadi İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi (İİBF) Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölüm Başkanı Prof.Dr. Şenol ...

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Yaya Farkındalığı
'İGÜ'den Yaya Farkındalığına Destek
Konferans Başlık
'3. Uluslararası Ekonomi, Yönetim ve Finans Konferansı Başlıyor
Gelişim Üniversitesi
'Akademi ve Özel Sektöre İstatistik Eğitimi
Konferans Afiş
'İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi (İGÜ), 5'inci Uluslararası Orta Doğu Sempozyumu’na ev sahipliği yapacak.
Birleşmiş Milletler- Suriye Zirvesi-Brunson Süreci- Öğrenci e-bülteni
'Öğrenci e-bülteninin ikincisini yayınlandı.
Brezilya'da Sol Popülizmin Sonu ve Aşırı Sağın İktidara Gelişi
'Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü; dokuzuncu e-bülteni yayınladı
gülsen kaya osmanbaşoğlu
'Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü sekizinci e-bülteni yayınladı
BM Güvenlik konseyi
'Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü yedinci e-bülteni yayınladı
fatih fuat hoca haber
'Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Fatih Fuat Tuncer, "Makedonya'yı erken seçim bekliyor"
beşinci e bülten
'Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü beşinci e-bülteni yayınladı
4. e bülten
'Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü dördüncü e-bülteni yayınladı
e bülten 3 .sayı
'İGÜ Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü E-Bültenin Üçüncüsünü Yayınladı
E-Bülten 2
'İGÜ Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü İkinci E-Bülteni Yayınladı

İstanbul Gelişim Üniversitesi Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü e-bültenin ikincisi yayınlandı. İki haftada bir yayınlanan e-bültenin bu sayısında Öğretim ...

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Türk Düşmanı Dedaj'a, Ödül gibi Atama
'"Türk Düşman'ı Dedaj'a, Ödül Gibi Atama"
Prof. Dr. Şenol Durgun, "Türkiye'de İslamcılığın Değişen Seyri"
''Türkiye'de İslamcılığın Değişen Seyri' Konferansı
3 Mayıs 1944 Olayları
'Türkçülük Günü, 3 Mayıs 1944 tarihinin anıldığı gün
Türkiye'de Ekonomi Politik ve Avrupalı Türkler
'Türkiye'de Ekonomi Politik ve Avrupalı Türkler
kamu diplomasisi
'Kamu Diplomasisi ve Türk Dış Politikası

İGÜ Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler bölümü öğretim üyemiz Yrd. Doç. Dr. Fatih Fuat Tuncer'in de "Çin'in 'Yeni Balkanlar' Politikası" ...

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16.01.2018 tarihinde İGÜSAM bünyesinde İGÜPAT tarafından organize edilen "Ulusal ve Uluslararası Medyada Kudüs" etkinliğinde son dönemde sıkça tartışılan ABD Başkanı ...

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8 Ocak 2018 tarihinde Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümüve İGÜSAM ve İGÜPAT tarafından düzenlenen etkinlikte Sayın Cansu Kılınçarslan ...

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