Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences - iisbf@gelisim.edu.tr

Turkish Language And Literature

Zeynep Korkmaz Vefat - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The prominent name of Turkology, Prof. Zeynep Korkmaz, has passed away

Prof. Zeynep Korkmaz, who made great contributions to Turkology with her studies on the history, development and richness of the ...

Dan Brown - Haber Görseli  Eng)
'Dan Brown's new novel has a release date
The Başarı 2025 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Among the world universities: IGU is in THE World Universities Field Ranking!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) achieved a significant success at the international level by ranking in the 1001-1200 band in the ...

En Çok Satan Kitaplar - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Amazon's best-selling books of 2024 have been announced
DLT Etkinliği - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The “Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk” panel was held in its 950th year

An event was held by the Turkish Language and Literature Department to commemorate the 950th anniversary of the writing of ...

Kalabalık Yalnızlık - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The word of the year for 2024 was selected as "Crowded Loneliness"
Yüzyıllık Yalnızlık Dizisi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'One Hundred Years of Solitude novel adapted into a Netflix series

The trailer for the highly anticipated series adaptation of Gabriel García Márquez’s world-famous work “One Hundred Years of Solitude” has ...

İGÜ Açık Erişim - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The number of records in the IGU Institutional Open Access Archive has exceeded 8,300!

Istanbul Gelisim University Institutional Open Access Archive (DSpace@Gelisim) continues its rise in the Turkish Academic Archive “Harman” system prepared by ...

41. Kitap Fuarı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The 41st International Istanbul Book Fair has begun

The 41st International Istanbul Book Fair opened its doors with the theme of “Childhood is a Festival!” The fair will ...

THE 2025 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU achieved great success by being in the 1001-1200 rankings in THE World Universities Ranking 2025

Istanbul Gelisim University has achieved great success by ranking in the top 500 in the field of Research Quality in ...

Nobel 2024  Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Nobel Prize in Literature Found Its Winner

The winner of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature has been announced. This year, the Nobel Prize in Literature was ...

Ortak Alfabe - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The Turkic World Common Alphabet Commission agreed on the Common Turkish Alphabet

The Turkic Academy announced that the Turkic World Common Alphabet Commission, formed by the Organization of Turkic States (TDT), reached ...

Kürk Mantolu Madonna - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Madonna in a Fur Coat is being transferred to the big screen

Madonna in a Fur Coat, one of Sabahattin Ali's most well-known works, is being brought to the big screen in ...

Gılgamış AI - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Question marks in the Epic of Gilgamesh are illuminated by artificial intelligence

The hidden parts of the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is considered one of the oldest literary works in history, are ...

Tercih ve Tanıtım 2024 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Preference and Promotion Days continue
TDE Tanıtım Broşürü - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Turkish Language and Literature Department Brochure Published

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature promotional brochure has ...

The Başarısı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU's great 'THE' success: 1st in the ‘Accessible and Clean Energy’ category!

World universities ranking organization Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking 2024 was announced. Among the 2152 universities in the ranking, ...

SCImago - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'SCImago 2024 results have been announced: İGU is in the top 5 in the field of research!
SosyoCom Mart 2024 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'SosyoCom March Issue Prepared by Our Department Has Been Published

The March 2024 issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Economics Administrative ...

Kulüp Tanıtım Haftası - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Student Clubs Promotion Days Event was Held
Tanıtım Videosu - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Assoc. Prof. Hacer Gülşen Introduced the Department of Turkish Language and Literature

IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Gülşen appeared before the cameras within the scope of ...

Bi Çığlık Tiyatro - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“Bi’ Çığlık” Theater

İGU Theater Club, one of the clubs operating at İstanbul Gelişim University, is not limited to performing only within the ...

Arzu ile Kanber - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Türkan Korkmaz Bulut's book "The Story of Arzu and Kanber" Has Been Published

The book "The Story of Arzu and Kanber" by Dr. Türkan Korkmaz Bulut, a faculty member of the IGU Department ...

Turhan Yıldırım - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'An Interview was held with Author Turhan Yıldırım
Cahit Sıtkı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Themed Poetry Recital

Dr. Şerefnur Atik, one of the faculty members of our department, participated as a guest speaker in a poetry recital ...

İstiklal Marşı ve Mehmet Akif - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Turkish National Anthem and Mehmet Akif

IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Head Assoc. Prof Dr. Hacer Gülşen held a commemoration event on the occasion of ...

DLT - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The Year 2024 was Declared the Year of Dîvânu Lugâti’t-Türk
Füruzan - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Author Füruzan Closes Her Eyes to Life
Edebiyat Bahçesinden - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Hacer Gülşen's Book “Edebiyat Bahçesinden (Yazılar ve Şiirler)” is Released

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hacer Gülşen's book titled “Edebiyat Bahçesinden (Yazılar ve Şiirler)” has found its place on the shelves. ...

İkili Anlaşma - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'A Bilateral Agreement was Signed Between IGU and Navai Innovation University

The Rector of Nevai Innovation University, Nuriymon Abulhasan, visited IGU (Istanbul Gelisim University) Rector Prof. Dr. Bahri Şahin at his ...

Danışmanlık Toplantısı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Consulting Meeting Held

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pelin Ekşi, one of the academicians of IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department, held an online meeting ...

Ömür İklim Demir - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'We Hosted Author Ömür İklim Demir

The Department of Turkish Language and Literature at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) organized a conversation with the author Ömür İklim ...

Acısı Kaldı Yazısı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Assoc. Prof. Hacer Gülşen wrote: “Acısı Kaldı”
Bilge Karasu Günler - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“Bilge Karasu Days" Begin

Organized in memory of Bilge Karasu by Metis Publications and Art Critique, the "Bilge Karasu Days" will take place on ...

40. TÜYAP Kitap Fuarı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The 40th TÜYAP Istanbul Book Fair Begins on October 28

The 40th TÜYAP Istanbul Book Fair, with the slogan "Long Live the Republic," will open its doors to book enthusiasts ...

Atatürk, Cumhuriyet ve Kadın - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"Atatürk, Republic and Women" was held within the scope of the 100th anniversary of our Republic

The Department of Turkish Language and Literature organized an event on "Atatürk, Republic and Women" within the scope of the ...

Renkli Anadolu Sergisi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Colorful Anatolia Exhibition Opened to Visitors

The "Colorful Anatolia" exhibition, which includes the colorful photographs taken by the famous journalist, photojournalist and writer Ara Güler, compiled ...

Anadolu'nun Sesi ve Sözü Âşık Veysel - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Undersigned a New Book Work

The book titled Anadolu’nun Sesi ve Sözü: Âşık Veysel, prepared by IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department, was published by ...

TDE YL - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Turkish Language and Literature Master's Programs with/without Thesis Opened

Seven new programs were opened at Istanbul Gelisim University Institute of Graduate Studies. Among the newly opened programs are Turkish ...

Âşık Veysel Portresi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Giant Portrait of Âşık Veysel Made of 25 Thousand Handfuls of Earth

Famous Turkish folk artist Âşık Veysel was commemorated on his 50th death anniversary with his giant portrait made 25,000 handfuls ...

Erişilebilir Temiz Enerji - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Significant Success in the “Accessible and Clean Energy” Category From IGU

World universities ranking organization Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Ranking was announced in 2023. In the ranking, Istanbul Gelisim University, ...

Engelsiz Üniversite Ödülleri - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"Orange Flag" and "Green Flag" awards to IGU at the Barrier-Free University Awards

While Istanbul Gelisim University Faculty of Health Sciences and Istanbul Gelisim Vocational School were awarded the "Orange Flag" award due ...

ing haber grsl
'IGU Preference and Promotion Days have started!

Istanbul Gelisim University Preference and Promotion Days have started. University candidate students who visit IGU until August 8 will be ...

Haber Resim İNG1
'"Kehanetteki Çocuk-Suzan Orto" Novel, All Illustrated by Artificial Intelligence, is Published

Kehanetteki Çocuk-Suzan Orto, whose all visuals were drawn by artificial intelligence and written by Sibel Kırcadere Uslu, took its place ...

'Applications for the Attilâ İlhan Literature Awards Are Open

Applications for the Attilâ İlhan Literature Awards, organized by the Attilâ İlhan Foundation for Science, Arts and Culture with the ...

İng. Haber Görseli
'Ministry of Culture and Tourism Announces Number of Book Banderole Sales

In the first half of the year, 182 million 895 thousand 180 book bands were sold in Turkey, and the ...

Yaz Akademisi 2023 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU High School Summer Academy 2023 Starts!

“IGU High School Summer Academy”, specially prepared for high school students by Istanbul Gelisim University, will be held between 4-7 ...

TCGB Öykü Yarışması - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"4th Story Contest Among Young People" Applications Started

Organized by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Youth and Sports with the tagline "A Story of a Century", the ...

Sait Faik - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Announced the Winner of the 69th Sait Faik Story Prize

This year's winner of the 69th Sait Faik Story Prize was announced. The book "Anatomy Lesson" written by Ayşegül Devecioğlu ...

NDS - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'2023 NDS Literary Award Winner Announced

Zeynep Kaçar was the winner of this year's NDS Literature Award, which has been organized by Notre-Dame de Sion French ...

Altay Öktem - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"Poetry from Mythos to Neurons" Event with Altay Öktem was Held

The event titled “Poetry from Mythos to Neurons” with the famous poet and writer Altay Öktem was held online on ...

SosyoCom RTS Mart - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's March Issue Has Been Published

The March issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

18 Mart Etkinlikler - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Turkish Language and Literature Department Organized Two Events for the Acceptance of the Turkish National Anthem and the Victory of Çanakkale

The Acceptance of Turkish National Anthem and Çanakkale Martyrs were commemorated with two separate events organized by the IGU Turkish ...

Sanat ve Yapay Zeka - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“The Reflections of Artificial Intelligence in Art and Literature” Discussed at Istanbul Teachers Academies

IGU FEAS Deputy Dean Assoc. Prof. Gamze Ilıcak and Res. Asst. Kemal Çinko held a conversation at "Istanbul Teachers' Academies". ...

Sosyocom Şubat - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's February Issue Has Been Published

The February issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

TDK Seslendirme - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The Turkish Language Association's Writing Rules Have Voiced!
Âşık Veysel - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'2023 Announced as “Year of Âşık Veysel”

With the Presidential Circular No. 32058, it was decided to celebrate 2023 as the "Year of Âşık Veysel" with national ...

Yahya Kemal Yüzüklerin Efendisi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Assoc. Prof. Hacer Gülşen Wrote: “Yahya Kemal and the Lord of the Rings”

The article titled "Yahya Kemal and the Lord of the Rings", written by Hacer Gülşen, Head of IGU Turkish Language ...

SosyoCom Aralık - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom - December Issue

The December issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Mehmet Akif Ersoy Anma - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Commemorates Mehmet Âkif Ersoy

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Turkish Language and Literature Department commemorated our Poet of Independence within the scope of the 20-27 ...

Dil, Düşünce, Edebiyat - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Student Clubs Promotion Event Held

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Student Clubs Promotion Day was held. Among the clubs that were promoted was the "Language, Thought ...

Roket Dergisi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Turkey's First Science Fiction Story Magazine: Rocket
Mevlana - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Written By Hacer Gulsen: Mawlana Jalal Al-Din Rumi

The article "Mawlana Jalal Al-Din Rumi", written by Hacer Gülşen, Head of Turkish Language and Literature Department at Istanbul Gelişim ...

Yahya Kemal ve İstanbul - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“Istanbul and Yahya Kemal” Event Was Held

An event on Istanbul and Yahya Kemal was held by Hacer Gülşen, Head of IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department. ...

Yahya Kemal Beyatlı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Written by Assoc. Prof. Hacer Gülşen: Yahya Kemal and the Lost City

The article titled "Yahya Kemal and the Lost City", written by Assoc Prof Hacer Gülşen, Head of Turkish Language and ...

Kitap Fuarı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'39th International Istanbul Book Fair Begins

The International Istanbul Book Fair is opening its doors again after a two-year hiatus due to the global epidemic. Fair; ...

Cengiz Aytmatov - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Chingiz Aitmatov's Latest Novel Takes Its Place on the Shelves

The last novel of the world-famous author Cengiz Aytmatov, whose all works were reunited with the readers by Ketebe Publishing, ...

Ara Güler - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Literary Portraits Exhibition Opens to Visitors

Literary Portraits Exhibition from the Ara Güler Archive: “A Handful of Beautiful People” is getting ready to meet its visitors ...

Beyin - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'10 Novels That Improve the Brain the Most

Based on the assumption that literature has an educational and therapeutic function, scientists determined the 10 novels that most developed ...

Kelime Müzesi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Turkey's First Word Museum Opened to Visit

Turkey's first word museum was opened in Ankara. The museum aims to show concretely the richness of Turkish in terms ...

Mezun Ziyareti - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Turkish Language and Literature Department Hosted Graduates
Yapay Zekâ Masal - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The Relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Fairy Tale Discussed at Istanbul Teachers' Academies

Assistant Dean of FEAS, Assoc. Dr. N. Gamze Ilıcak and Res. Asst. Kemal Çinko gave an interview on the relationship ...

card players
'Good News from Orhan Pamuk's New Novel: Card Players

Nobel Prize-winning author Orhan Pamuk announced that he has written a new novel at the meeting held for the 10th ...

Sosyocom Eylül - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'SosyoCom September Issue Prepared by Our Department Has Been Published

The September issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Economics Administrative and ...

Netflix - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Scriptwriting Training will be given within the scope of Netflix-Turkey Series Lab Project

As part of the Series Lab project, Netflix is ​​preparing to provide training to screenwriters and writer candidates to improve ...

Agatha Christie - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Agatha Christie's World Famous Books Adapted to Comics

Murder on the Orient Express, The Body in the Library and The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie, one of the ...

Kutluk Elteriş Kağan - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Kutlug Elteriş Kagan Monument Found!

Archaeological studies carried out in Mongolia uncovered a monumental complex thought to belong to Kutlug Elteriş Kagan, the founder of ...

Aşıklar Bayramı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The Novel "Lovers' Day" Adapted to Film

The novel Lovers' Day, written by Kemal Varol, was adapted into a movie by Netflix. The trailer of the movie ...

Tercih Günleri 2022 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Preference and Promotion Days Ended

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Preference and Promotion Days have been completed. The Preference and Promotion Days, held at Gelişim Tower ...

SosyoCom Temmuz - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's July Issue Has Been Published

The July issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Paten Şampiyonu - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Became The Patent Application Champion!

Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (TÜRKPATENT) announced the universities that made the highest number of patent applications in the first ...

Tanıtım Günleri 2022 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Preference and Promotion Days Begin

2022 – YKS results have been announced! Expert preference consultants and faculty members of IGU will be at Gelişim Tower ...

SosyoCom Haziran - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's June Issue Has Been Published

The June issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Kaligrafist - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The 2nd International Festival of Written Culture Has Started

Organized for the second time this year, the International Calligraphy Festival "Kaligrafist" started in Istanbul on Thursday, 23 June. The ...

Mezuniyet - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU 2021-2022 Academic Year Graduation Ceremony Held
Çalıştay - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU TYUAM Held a Workshop on Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

The Workshop on Sustainability in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language in the 21st Century was organized by IGU TYUAM. ...

Nobel Prize-winning Author Abdulrazak Gurnah's New Novel Published
'Nobel Prize-winning Author Abdulrazak Gurnah's New Novel Published

The novel by Abdulrazak Gurnah, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2021, was translated into Turkish and published. ...

'14. IILF – Istanbul International Literature Festival Begins
Orhan Pamuk - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Orhan Pamuk Was Awarded The Costa Smeralda Literary Award
Emine Işınsu - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Applications for "Emine Işınsu Novel Award" Has Started

A novel award was organized in the name of Emine Işınsu, the prominent novelist of Turkish literature, who passed away ...

Hürriyet Gösteri - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Two Articles Published in “Hürriyet Gösteri” Magazine

IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department is in the latest issue of Hürriyet Show Magazine with the articles of academicians ...

Latife Tekin - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Hosted Famous Writer Latife Tekin

We hosted Latife Tekin, one of the most famous authors of Turkish and World Literature, at our faculty on 12.05.2022. ...

SosyoCom Nisan - Haber Görseli (İng)
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's April Issue Has Been Published

The April issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Bir Kitap Bin Hayal - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“One Book Thousand Dreams” Book Donation Started

The book donation event "One Book Thousand Dreams" organized by the Language, Thought and Literature Club of Istanbul Gelişim University ...

Kitaplara Ses - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Removing Barriers with “Voice to Books”

The content of Türk Telekom's Telephone Library, which provides audio content service on the phone for visually impaired individuals, has ...

Livaneli - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The World Famous Novel of Zülfü Livaneli is Adapted to a TV Series

It has been announced that Zülfü Livaneli's novel "Engereğin Gözü" (The Eye of the Viper), which has been translated into ...

Dünya Kitap - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"Dünya Kitap" Selected the Best of 2021

The winners of the 29th World Book Awards given by Dünya Kitap have been announced. Among the awards given in ...

Kahverengi Yol Panoları - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Brown Road Boards

The podcast series "Brown Road Boards", started by İş Sanat with the aim of bringing the cultural richness of Turkey ...

Nevruz - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Gamze Ilıcak Made a Speech About Nevruz

Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Gamze Ilıcak, one of the faculty members of IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department, gave a ...

Münazara - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Language, Thought and Literature Club Holds Debate Competition
Hacer Gülşen 12 Mart Konuşması - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Assoc. Dr. Hacer Gülşen Speech on the 101st Anniversary of the Adoption of the Turkish National Anthem

Assoc. Dr. Hacer Gülşen, Department Chair of Turkish Language and Literature Department, gave a speech on the 101st Anniversary ...

Yunus Emre Yazısı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Associate Professor Hacer Gülşen Wrote: I Lost Yunus in the Deserts of My Soul

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Head of Turkish Language and Literature Department Assoc. Prof. Hacer Gülşen wrote an article about Yunus ...

Dile Kolay - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“Dile Kolay” Podcast Series Meets with Listeners on Digital Platforms

The podcast series named "Dile Kolay: Conversations on the Relationship of Language to Culture", prepared by the Istanbul Foundation for ...

17th Ankara Book Fair Opens Its Doors to Book Lovers
'17th Ankara Book Fair Opens Its Doors to Book Lovers
İlave Bütünleme - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Additional Make-Up Exams Begin

Students who could not attend the final or make-up exams because the Covid-19 PCR test results were positive were given ...

SosyoCom Ocak - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's January Issue Has Been Published

The January issue of SosyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Shuggie Bain Çevirisi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Booker Award Winning Novel Shuggie Bain Hits Shelves

The winner of the 2020 Booker Prize, Shuggie Bain, was translated into Turkish by Duygu Akın and published by Can ...

Babama Mektup - Haber Görseli (İng)
'Written by Asst. Prof. Şerefnur Atik: A Reading in the Light of “Father” Figure, Irony and Reception Aesthetics Theory: “Babama Mektup”
Eyüboğlu Söyleşi - Haber Görseli
'IGU at Eyuboglu College

Assoc. Prof. N. Gamze Ilıcak Res. Asst. Kemal Çinko, faculty members of the IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department, participated ...

Kitap Lansmanı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The 88th Book of IGU Publications: View on Mehmet Akif Ersoy's Art and World of Thought

The book, View on Mehmet Akif Ersoy's Art and World of Thought, written by the academicians of the IGU Turkish ...

Latife Tekin Hakkında Yazı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Asst. Prof. Şerefnur Atik's Article: “On Dear Shameless Death and Some Properties”
Kitap İncelemeleri II - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Book Reviews II: Unutulan

Language, Thought and Literature Club held the second session of the Book Reviews event series with Asst Prof Şerefnur Atik. ...

Masumiyet Müzesi Gezisi - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Museum of Innocence Tour was Held
Ödül Töreni - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“Living like Yunus in the 21st Century” Short Story Competition Award Ceremony Held

The award ceremony of the "Living like Yunus in the 21st Century" Short Story Competition, organized by Istanbul Gelişim University ...

Veba Geceleri - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Turkish Journalists Association 45th Sedat Simavi Awards Announced

Journalists, cartoonists, literature, sports and scientists who won the Turkish Journalists' Association (TGC) 2021 Sedat Simavi Awards have been announced. ...

Sinemada ve Edebiyatta Öğretmen Simalar - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'“Teacher Characters in Cinema and Literature” Event Was Held

The Language, Thought and Literature Club of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Department of Turkish Language and Literature held an online ...

Kısa Öykü Yarışması Sonuçları - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Winners of "Living Like Yunus in the 21st Century" Short Story Contest Have Been Announced

The results of the short story competition titled "Living Like Yunus in the 21st Century", produced by the Faculty of ...

Gregor Samsa'yı Tanıyalım - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Book Reviews: Let's Get to Know Gregor Samsa

The first session of the Language, Thought and Literature Club Book Reviews event series was held by Asst Prof Şerefnur ...

2021 The Booker - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Damon Galgut Wins 2021 Booker Prize
5. Uluslararası İzmir Edebiyat Festivali - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The 5th International Izmir Literature Festival Has Started

Organized for the fifth time by the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, the International Izmir Literature Festival will open its doors to ...

Ankara Kitap Fuarı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'16th Ankara Book Fair” Awaits Visitors

The 16th Ankara Book Fair will be held at the ATO Congresium Convention and Exhibition Center between October 22 - ...

Oğuz Atay 2 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Asst. Prof. Şerefnur Atik Wrote: On the Story of "Demiryolu Hikâyecileri - Bir Rüya"

Asst. Prof. Şerefnur Atik, faculty member of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Turkish Language and Literature Department, wrote an article on ...

Kulüp - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Let's Get to Know the Language, Thought and Literature Club Closely…

The Language, Thought and Literature Club, part of the Turkish Language and Literature Department of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), is ...

Nobel Edebiyat - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Abdulrazak Gurnah Wins 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature

The 2021 Nobel Prize in Literature has been found. The Swedish Academy announced that the award was given to the ...

Yarışma Son - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"Living Like Yunus in the 21st Century" Short Story Contest Applications Ended

The application deadline for the "Living Like Yunus in the 21st Century" short story competition was completed on September 30, ...

Dil Bayramı - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Celebrated Language Day at KEY College

On the Language Day, Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Turkish Language and Literature Department Head Asst. Prof. Pelin Ekşi was a ...

Formasyon - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'New Regulation on Pedagogical Formation Education Entered into Force
Kongre - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'1st International Congress of Balkan Studies was Held

With the support of Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities, Fettah Efendi Education and Thought Association and International Balkan ...

Öykü Yarışması - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'The Application Deadline for the Short Story Contest "Living Like a Yunus in the 21st Century" is Approaching

Applications continue to be accepted for the "Living Like a Yunus in the 21st Century" short story competition, the deadline ...

Oğuz Atay Yarışma - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'First Oğuz Atay Short Story Award Winner Announced

The winner of the Oğuz Atay Short Story Award, organized by the İnebolu Culture and Art Association, has been announced. ...

YKS - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'2021 University Entrance Exam Placement Results Announced
Yeryüzü Şiirleri - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Ketebe Publishing House: Worldwide Poems Series
Kitap Seçkileri - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Book Selection from World-Famous Authors

A list of the best literary works of the 19th and 20th centuries was prepared with the selection of 125 ...

Tercih ve Tanıtım Günleri - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"IGU Preference And Promotion Days" Are Moving to Campuses
Edebiyat, Kitap ve Plak Festivali - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Literature, Book and Record Festival Started

The Literature, Book and Record Festival organized by Beşiktaş Municipality has started. The festival will take place between July 28 ...

Yarışma 2 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"Living like Yunus in the 21st Century" Contest Applications Continue

Applications continue for the "Living like Yunus in the 21st Century" short story competition, organized by Turkish Language and Literature ...

Kırkpınar Güreşleri - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Article by Our Student Musab Doğan: "Wrestling From Centuries To Kırkpınar"

Musab Doğan, a student of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Department of Turkish Language and Literature, wrote an article titled "Wrestling ...

Sevda Güneş - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'A Letter from Our Graduate

Sevda Güneş, a graduate of Istanbul Gelisim University Turkish Language and Literature Department 2019-2020, wrote a letter to the students ...

bisiklet yarışı - haber görseli (Eng)
'International Kahramanmaraş “The Road of Literature” Bicycle Race

Organized by Kahramanmaraş Metropolitan Municipality, the "International “The Road of Literature Bicycle Race" will take place on July 3-4. ...

Kemal Özer - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Kemal Özer Poetry Awards Given
Tüm Etkinlikler - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Activities Organized by the Department of Turkish Language and Literature in the 2020-2021 Academic Year

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Turkish Language and Literature Department held 13 online events this academic year with its internal and ...

Şenol Tombaş - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'"Authoring, Publishing, and Editing" Event Was Held

An online event called "Authoring, Publishing, and Editing" organized by IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Language, Thought and Literature ...

21. Yüzyılda Yunusça Yaşamak - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Applications Started for the Short Story Contest titled "Living like Yunus in the 21st Century"

"The 700th Anniversary of Yunus Emre's Death" has been included in the 2021 UNESCO Commemoration and Celebration Anniversaries, and 2021 ...

Yazarlık Platformu 4 - Haber Görseli (Eng)
'Fourth Event of the Authoring Platform Series Held

The fourth session of the "Authoring Platform" event series organized by the Language, Thought and Literature Club of IGU Turkish ...

Leïla Slimani - Haber Görseli (İng)
'This Month's Guest of the Literature Hall will be Goncourt Award-winning Writer Leila Slimani

This month's guest of the Literature Hall online event organized by the Institute France of Turkey will be Goncourt Award-winning ...

Yazılar Sekmesi - Haber Görseli (İng)
'Added New Post to News Tab

The Ottoman Society of Painters is an independent artist's organization that operated in the Ottoman Empire between 1909-1919 to find ...

Yazarlık Platformu 3 - Haber Görseli (İng)
'Third Event of the Authoring Platform Series Held

The third session of the event series named "Authoring Platform," organized by IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Language, Thought ...

Tablo Okuma - Haber Görseli (İng)
'The Event "A Reading on 'The Ambassadors' of Hans Holbein's" Was Held

The event titled "A Reading on Hans Holbein's 'The Ambassadors': Anamorphosis and Review of the Renaissance" took place online on ...

Amin Maalouf - Haber Görseli (İng)
'Amin Maalouf Will Meet His Readers at the “Literature Hall” Event.

Famous writer Amin Maalouf will participate in the "Literature Hall" online event organized by Institut Français de Turquie this month. ...

İGÜ İİSBF Instagram - Haber Görseli (İng)
'IGU Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences Social Media Accounts Have Opened.
Oğuz Atay - Haber Görseli (İng)
'Applications Started for the First Oğuz Atay Story Award

Applications have started for the "Oğuz Atay Story Award," which will be held for the first time this year and ...

Faruk Anbarcıoğu - Haber Görseli (İng)
'"The Soul of Çanakkale and Education Developing in Further Times" Event Was Held

22nd Parliament of Turkey MP Faruk Anbarcıoğlu was a speaker at the event "The Soul of Çanakkale and Education Developing ...

Orhan Pamuk - Haber Görseli
'Orhan Pamuk to Meet His Readers on D&R Instagram

Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk, one of the prominent novelists of Turkish literature, will meet with his readers in a ...

ÇOGED - Haber Görseli
'7th Izmir Children and Youth Literature Days Begin
Erdal Alova - Haber Görseli
'Erdal Alova Became the Winner of the 2021 PEN Poetry Award

This year, the PEN Poetry Award was given to Erdal Alova, one of the important names of our literature as ...

Prof. Dr. Hasan Kavruk
'"Prose in Old Literature" Event Was Held
İstiklal ve Mehmet Akif Ersoy Etkinliği - Haber Görseli
'"Independence and Mehmet Akif Ersoy" Event Was Held

IGU Turkish Language and Literature Department Language, Thought and Literature Club organized an online event titled "Independence and Mehmet Akif ...

Türk Bayrağı - Haber Görseli
'100th Anniversary of the Acceptance of Our National Anthem
Ömer Seyfettin - Haber Görseli
'Ömer Seyfettin on the 101st Anniversary of His Death

Ömer Seyfettin, one of the most important names of Turkish storytelling, passed away on March 6, 1920, 101 years ago. ...

SosyoCom Şubat sayısı yayımlandı.
'Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom's February Issue Has Been Published

The February issue of SocyoCom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

5. Hikâye Yarışması - Haber Görseli
'Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality 5th Story Contest Applications Started
The First Issue of the Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom Published
'The First Issue of the Monthly Event and News Bulletin SosyoCom Published

The first issue of Socyocom, the monthly event and news bulletin of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and ...

Kandilli Girls’ High School visited IGU the Department of Turkish Language Literature
'Kandilli Girls’ High School visited IGU the Department of Turkish Language and Literature

A group of students representing the 10th grade from Kandilli Girls’High School visited the Department of Turkish Language and Literature ...

Charitable Institution and Foundation Civilization
'Charitable Institution and Foundation Civilization

Language, Thought and Literature Ensemble established by students of the Department of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Turkish ...

Haber Manşet Görseli - İngilizce
'Violence Against Women and Studies in the Purple Roof

On the occasion of 8 March International Women's Day, the Language, Thought and Literature Community established by the students of ...

Haber Manşet Görseli - İngilizce
'18th March Memorial Day and the Dardanelles Victory

Development Department, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature organized the event on the ...

Haber Manşet Görseli - İngilizce
'The Road to the Antiquity March